As Mr Jacob Zuma (a Nguni himself) opens this Sunday the Mangaung Elective Conference that could easily spell his doom with his non-Nguni deputy (Kgalema Motlanthe) nominated to take over (among other positions) JACOB ZUMA'S OWN PRESIDENCY....
.... The world is posed to learn who the true Nguni is.
Is the Nguni a racist?
Or is the Nguni the Father and Mother of the English word 'ubuntu'.
I write here as a child of a Nguni. My mother is Nguni, supposedly well steeped even in blood links with the Nguni People.
I cannot take, therefore the debate of my authority any further than that. Anything else I do to further it would perhaps to appeal to scholarly works insofar as who the Ngunis in the first place are.
As you read this please note that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa allows you if you so will, to change your ethniicity overnight. If I, so brown as a berry, decide tomorrow to go to Home Affairs and reclassify myself as a 'White' NOBODY WHATSOEVER CAN STOP ME. And that is why ANC Mangaung Conference taking place in a day (if not hours) will prove to the world just how mature this great organization has become at 100, with a majority Nguni delegates defying idiotic provincial masters who favour their fellow Nguni and only to elect non-Nguni Kgalema Motlanthe or any other non-Nguni for that matter.
Anyway intend on lower paragraphs to dwell more on the Nguni people of South Africa because they are my parents, but for my readership it is fair to give a bird's eye view of South Africa's ethnological profile to my best of my understanding.
I have put these first and foremost because I believe they are the mother of human beings, representing Tonga, Moroka, Dzonga, Moronga. To such, I understand, belong ANC big-wig Mathew Phosa. In South Africa these are among the most looked-down people by tribalists and racists from other groupings of this great land of ours.
It is all from colonial teachings: the European colonialist who understood African history more than the native Africans, knew the primacy of this ethnic grouping and for DIVIDE AND RULE, targeted them for ridicule.
That is the only reason why Shangaans/Tsonga/Baroka/Tongas in South Africa are never taken seriously by racists or tribalists like Nelson Mandela and his student Jacob Zuma who as from today in Mangaung will try his best to lead the 100-year-old ANC for the second term running.
That is why the Founder of the very ANC (Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme a Tonga himself albeit nationally as Zulu as Jacob Zuma himself) is derided by Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma, with his children rendered by the Jacob Zumas to grinding poverty and neglect in Ulundi, KwaZulu-Natal Province's backyard to Jacob Zuma's reported R200 Million homestead.
On the continental and world level Tonga rank very high.
The kingdom of Swaziland has its ruling class coming from the Tonga/ 'Ematfonga' people. Indeed the Dlaminis (my maternal grandmother's people) are essentially Tonga; I mean King Mswati III of Swaziland whose third great grandmother (Queen Mother Labotsibeni) is the de facto material founder of the Jacob-Zuma-played-upon ANC this 2012 (along the Intellectual Founder Dr Pixley Seme who was her son in law via Swazi Princess Lozinja who beget Seme the son Zwangendaba Seme) IS A TONGA/LITFONGA.
Yes, and very logically, Matthew Phosa of the ANC is a close cousin to King Mswati III!!! In fact, everybody in South Africa who is both native and big-bodied IS OF TONGA ORIGINS FROM THE CAPE TO THE LIMPOPO RIVER BORDERING WITH ZIMBABWE!
Allow me to leave South Africa for a moment. I mean, Tonga are are found all around the Continent. Karonga, which is a city in Northern Malawi is a reminder about the supremacy of "Tonga"/ "Dzonga" which means "South", all pointing to the Cradle of Mankind known as South Africa today.
But Tongas, like all other Africans ruled the world (I understand) for something like 15000 years before Arabic and later European colonialism came to destroy both our civilization and our history records. It is for that reason that a certain island called Tonga in Asia (populated among others by people who look like ANC's Mathew Phosa) is said to be shrouded in mystery in terms of its history and origins... IT HAS BEEN SHROUDED BY THE COLONIALISTS AGAINST AFRICA AND THE MOTHER OF HUMANKIND!
I do hope that I have on this post or previous others indicated that the founder of the ANC, Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme was a Tonga by ethnicity under the Zulu Nation.
The strangest country for my international leadership, will be South Africa. I understand in England when you call somebody "Coloured", you refer to an ethnic African...somebody with tan on the skin in contradistinction to someone pale.
However, in South Africa "Coloured Person" refers to a member of an ethnic group!
There are about four sources for who today are regarded at the Coloured ethnic group of South Africa;and thse are
a. Former slaves shipped from the Malay Islands or some other place which is why many South Africans will be surnamed "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "December"; and I can almost recall clearly (subject to correction), the military camp I attended in 1994 per Jacob Zuma orders had its main hall called 'September', 'November' or something ALL WITH THE FIRST NAME IN HONOUR OF A COLOURED WHO SERVED THE GREAT ANC TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITES.(But the same camp of Viana Angola's Luanda suburb was unfortunately also aso for me a source of how the ANC has been turned by the Jacob Zuma into a racial or tribal bastion BECAUSE I HEARD HOW OLIVER TAMBO).
b. Coloureds culturally also comprise of any child born beween a a so-called native (e.g. Venda) and a so-called non-native (e.g. a Boer). For that matter, if Athe father of Mr Walter Sisulu (one of Nelson Mandela's fellow-finder of Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism-and-now-Zuma-Nguni-tribalims) had married his mother, WALTER SISULU WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFED AS COLOURED RATHER THAN 'XHOSA' (and it all goes to prove my point that we are ONE people in South Africa but ONLY DIVIDED BY IDIOTIC PEOPLE LIKE JACOB ZUMA!).
c. Coloureds also comprise of the ancient African natives known as Khoi, Khoi-khoi, Khoi-san, San and many other nuances some of which were created by European colonists like 'Strandlopers'
d. There is no ethnicity in South Africa more vargiagated that the Coloured ethnic group since you will find one of them as pale as a Scandinavian WHILE YOU WILL ANOTHER ONE AS DARK-SKINNED AS MOZAMBICAN.
How did that happen? You ask. IT IS ALL BECAUSE WHEN APARTHEID WAS STARTED IN SOUTH AFRICA AROUND 1948 MANY 'NATIVE' AFRICANS LIKE XHOSA-SPEAKERS, saw the benefits of "Coloured" under an Apartheid that apparently ranked Europeans first, then Coloured, then Indians and lastly Ngunis (Zulu-speaker, Xhosa-speaker, Swazi-speaker), Sotho, Pedi,Tswana.
The Coloured ethnic group of South Africa (to which ANC stalwart Trevor Manuel belongs) are for Phiri a most interesting people: closely-knit and proud of their hertiage. THEY ARE ALSO PART OF THE 'AFRIKAANER' PEOPLE WHICH INCLUDES THE 'BOERS' IN MY NEXT PARAGRAPH. And personally, I take both pride and courage in the fact that amongst two ethnic group members of the South African National Defence Force who ever bothered to ask telephonically afther my health WAS A COLOURED LIEUTENANT COLONEL.
Nobody, therefore, is prouder than I, TO BE SOUTH AFRICAN where you can have friends and even spouses (in spite of Jacob Zuma and Nelson Mandela's Nguni racism/tribalim) across the ethnic spectrum of the Republic. I personally have made a good example of our freedom by not marrying any South African woman (they are no question all of them my most beautiful sisters), but I have opted and DID marry first a Tanzanian citizen (formerly) Miss Leonilde Makafu and now Mrs Phiri; I have also married Kingdom of Swaziland's former Miss Hlob'sile Tsabedze (both of which women have together so far mothered for me three beautiful children viz. Mertho Matanje, Maziri Phiri, and Tamara Phiri).
As you read this please note that the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa allows you if you so will, to change your ethniicity overnight. If I, so brown as a berry, decide tomorrow to go to Home Affairs and reclassify myself as a 'White' NOBODY WHATSOEVER CAN STOP ME. And that is why ANC Mangaung Conference taking place in a day (if not hours) will prove to the world just how mature this great organization has become at 100, with a majority Nguni delegates defying idiotic provincial masters who favour their fellow Nguni and only to elect non-Nguni Kgalema Motlanthe or any other non-Nguni for that matter.
Anyway intend on lower paragraphs to dwell more on the Nguni people of South Africa because they are my parents, but for my readership it is fair to give a bird's eye view of South Africa's ethnological profile to my best of my understanding.
I have put these first and foremost because I believe they are the mother of human beings, representing Tonga, Moroka, Dzonga, Moronga. To such, I understand, belong ANC big-wig Mathew Phosa. In South Africa these are among the most looked-down people by tribalists and racists from other groupings of this great land of ours.
It is all from colonial teachings: the European colonialist who understood African history more than the native Africans, knew the primacy of this ethnic grouping and for DIVIDE AND RULE, targeted them for ridicule.
That is the only reason why Shangaans/Tsonga/Baroka/Tongas in South Africa are never taken seriously by racists or tribalists like Nelson Mandela and his student Jacob Zuma who as from today in Mangaung will try his best to lead the 100-year-old ANC for the second term running.
That is why the Founder of the very ANC (Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme a Tonga himself albeit nationally as Zulu as Jacob Zuma himself) is derided by Nelson Mandela and Jacob Zuma, with his children rendered by the Jacob Zumas to grinding poverty and neglect in Ulundi, KwaZulu-Natal Province's backyard to Jacob Zuma's reported R200 Million homestead.
On the continental and world level Tonga rank very high.
The kingdom of Swaziland has its ruling class coming from the Tonga/ 'Ematfonga' people. Indeed the Dlaminis (my maternal grandmother's people) are essentially Tonga; I mean King Mswati III of Swaziland whose third great grandmother (Queen Mother Labotsibeni) is the de facto material founder of the Jacob-Zuma-played-upon ANC this 2012 (along the Intellectual Founder Dr Pixley Seme who was her son in law via Swazi Princess Lozinja who beget Seme the son Zwangendaba Seme) IS A TONGA/LITFONGA.
Yes, and very logically, Matthew Phosa of the ANC is a close cousin to King Mswati III!!! In fact, everybody in South Africa who is both native and big-bodied IS OF TONGA ORIGINS FROM THE CAPE TO THE LIMPOPO RIVER BORDERING WITH ZIMBABWE!
Allow me to leave South Africa for a moment. I mean, Tonga are are found all around the Continent. Karonga, which is a city in Northern Malawi is a reminder about the supremacy of "Tonga"/ "Dzonga" which means "South", all pointing to the Cradle of Mankind known as South Africa today.
But Tongas, like all other Africans ruled the world (I understand) for something like 15000 years before Arabic and later European colonialism came to destroy both our civilization and our history records. It is for that reason that a certain island called Tonga in Asia (populated among others by people who look like ANC's Mathew Phosa) is said to be shrouded in mystery in terms of its history and origins... IT HAS BEEN SHROUDED BY THE COLONIALISTS AGAINST AFRICA AND THE MOTHER OF HUMANKIND!
I do hope that I have on this post or previous others indicated that the founder of the ANC, Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme was a Tonga by ethnicity under the Zulu Nation.
The strangest country for my international leadership, will be South Africa. I understand in England when you call somebody "Coloured", you refer to an ethnic African...somebody with tan on the skin in contradistinction to someone pale.
However, in South Africa "Coloured Person" refers to a member of an ethnic group!
There are about four sources for who today are regarded at the Coloured ethnic group of South Africa;and thse are
a. Former slaves shipped from the Malay Islands or some other place which is why many South Africans will be surnamed "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "December"; and I can almost recall clearly (subject to correction), the military camp I attended in 1994 per Jacob Zuma orders had its main hall called 'September', 'November' or something ALL WITH THE FIRST NAME IN HONOUR OF A COLOURED WHO SERVED THE GREAT ANC TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITES.(But the same camp of Viana Angola's Luanda suburb was unfortunately also aso for me a source of how the ANC has been turned by the Jacob Zuma into a racial or tribal bastion BECAUSE I HEARD HOW OLIVER TAMBO).
b. Coloureds culturally also comprise of any child born beween a a so-called native (e.g. Venda) and a so-called non-native (e.g. a Boer). For that matter, if Athe father of Mr Walter Sisulu (one of Nelson Mandela's fellow-finder of Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism-and-now-Zuma-Nguni-tribalims) had married his mother, WALTER SISULU WOULD HAVE BEEN CLASSIFED AS COLOURED RATHER THAN 'XHOSA' (and it all goes to prove my point that we are ONE people in South Africa but ONLY DIVIDED BY IDIOTIC PEOPLE LIKE JACOB ZUMA!).
c. Coloureds also comprise of the ancient African natives known as Khoi, Khoi-khoi, Khoi-san, San and many other nuances some of which were created by European colonists like 'Strandlopers'
d. There is no ethnicity in South Africa more vargiagated that the Coloured ethnic group since you will find one of them as pale as a Scandinavian WHILE YOU WILL ANOTHER ONE AS DARK-SKINNED AS MOZAMBICAN.
How did that happen? You ask. IT IS ALL BECAUSE WHEN APARTHEID WAS STARTED IN SOUTH AFRICA AROUND 1948 MANY 'NATIVE' AFRICANS LIKE XHOSA-SPEAKERS, saw the benefits of "Coloured" under an Apartheid that apparently ranked Europeans first, then Coloured, then Indians and lastly Ngunis (Zulu-speaker, Xhosa-speaker, Swazi-speaker), Sotho, Pedi,Tswana.
The Coloured ethnic group of South Africa (to which ANC stalwart Trevor Manuel belongs) are for Phiri a most interesting people: closely-knit and proud of their hertiage. THEY ARE ALSO PART OF THE 'AFRIKAANER' PEOPLE WHICH INCLUDES THE 'BOERS' IN MY NEXT PARAGRAPH. And personally, I take both pride and courage in the fact that amongst two ethnic group members of the South African National Defence Force who ever bothered to ask telephonically afther my health WAS A COLOURED LIEUTENANT COLONEL.
Nobody, therefore, is prouder than I, TO BE SOUTH AFRICAN where you can have friends and even spouses (in spite of Jacob Zuma and Nelson Mandela's Nguni racism/tribalim) across the ethnic spectrum of the Republic. I personally have made a good example of our freedom by not marrying any South African woman (they are no question all of them my most beautiful sisters), but I have opted and DID marry first a Tanzanian citizen (formerly) Miss Leonilde Makafu and now Mrs Phiri; I have also married Kingdom of Swaziland's former Miss Hlob'sile Tsabedze (both of which women have together so far mothered for me three beautiful children viz. Mertho Matanje, Maziri Phiri, and Tamara Phiri).
As a forewarning: you never in South Africa use this term loosely, albeit it is a legitimate reference to the most-light-skinned among our nation. These are people mainly of Dutch, German and a good spicing of British Descent (although the British have their own minority-of-minority ethnicity in South Africa which I will no delve into seeing that they are as tiny as Goodman Manyanya Phiri's ethnicity of ex-Malawi people... how is that for a description?)
Anyway, Boers are proCbably the most interesting people of the Republic of South Africa (and many of them are of course members of the great ANC what with the pro-Boer Aparthed party called the National Party having moved some years ago en masse to the ANC under on Mr Van Schalkwyk).
Stereotype or no stereotype... I will never tell... but these people are regarded as a most hard-working people. Most farms in South Africa seem to be in their hands even though the handyman will be a swarthier South African.
I know of Boers who employ their own kind as well on the farms with the exclusion of other ethnicities, with Oranje 'Province' being reportedly the best example.
These people are renowned for straightforwardness, openness and all the candour you can ever get from a human being: THEY WILL TELL YOU EXACTLY HOW THEY FEEL, and PLEASE TRUST THEIR WORD WHEN THEY DO.
They are also closely related 'native' South Africans as well, having married and intermarried with the latter since 1652. And one of the greatest anomalies in South Africa created by the Nelson Mandelas and the Jacob Zumas' political myopia is the fact that to this day Boers are regarded one too many 'blacks' as non-native, even though about 60 percent of their blood (it was said many decades ago already) is as native as Zulu, Swazi, or Venda blood! All Boers in South Africa will usually know a 'native' language or two too, something which Zuma-type 'black' people are not aware of and you will therefore sometimes stand on queue at the bank and hear them backbiting their fellow South Africans in a native language THINKING THAT THE LATTER DO NOT HEAR IT!!!!
Of course this is all proof of the ignorance in the country on which politicians like Jacob Zuma thrive to advance the Mandelasque Nguni tribalism that has been started in South Africa since 1994 (and in the ANC since, if by the self-same Mandelas, Sisulus and Xumas, since the 1940s).
Lastly, another term (albeit erroneous) to use for "Boers" is "Afrikaaners". Erroneous though it is, it a word safer to use where 'Boers' has been abused by the Zuma-type politician as a word of insult, especially in banned songs like 'Kill The Boer'. In reality though, Afrikaaners refer to both Boers and Coloureds and methinks the lexicographers who came with the word Afrikaaners actually meant 'anybody who lives in South Africa and natively speaks the language Afrikaans'. (Afrikaans Language one of Africa's three most developed languages and can be read and interpreted by the computer to the extent that you can always to to the top of this post and instruct your machine to 'translate' and the whole of the post you are reading SHALL BE IN AFRIKAANS just like you can do the same of KISWAHILI or ARABIC!).
Anyway, Boers are proCbably the most interesting people of the Republic of South Africa (and many of them are of course members of the great ANC what with the pro-Boer Aparthed party called the National Party having moved some years ago en masse to the ANC under on Mr Van Schalkwyk).
Stereotype or no stereotype... I will never tell... but these people are regarded as a most hard-working people. Most farms in South Africa seem to be in their hands even though the handyman will be a swarthier South African.
I know of Boers who employ their own kind as well on the farms with the exclusion of other ethnicities, with Oranje 'Province' being reportedly the best example.
These people are renowned for straightforwardness, openness and all the candour you can ever get from a human being: THEY WILL TELL YOU EXACTLY HOW THEY FEEL, and PLEASE TRUST THEIR WORD WHEN THEY DO.
They are also closely related 'native' South Africans as well, having married and intermarried with the latter since 1652. And one of the greatest anomalies in South Africa created by the Nelson Mandelas and the Jacob Zumas' political myopia is the fact that to this day Boers are regarded one too many 'blacks' as non-native, even though about 60 percent of their blood (it was said many decades ago already) is as native as Zulu, Swazi, or Venda blood! All Boers in South Africa will usually know a 'native' language or two too, something which Zuma-type 'black' people are not aware of and you will therefore sometimes stand on queue at the bank and hear them backbiting their fellow South Africans in a native language THINKING THAT THE LATTER DO NOT HEAR IT!!!!
Of course this is all proof of the ignorance in the country on which politicians like Jacob Zuma thrive to advance the Mandelasque Nguni tribalism that has been started in South Africa since 1994 (and in the ANC since, if by the self-same Mandelas, Sisulus and Xumas, since the 1940s).
Lastly, another term (albeit erroneous) to use for "Boers" is "Afrikaaners". Erroneous though it is, it a word safer to use where 'Boers' has been abused by the Zuma-type politician as a word of insult, especially in banned songs like 'Kill The Boer'. In reality though, Afrikaaners refer to both Boers and Coloureds and methinks the lexicographers who came with the word Afrikaaners actually meant 'anybody who lives in South Africa and natively speaks the language Afrikaans'. (Afrikaans Language one of Africa's three most developed languages and can be read and interpreted by the computer to the extent that you can always to to the top of this post and instruct your machine to 'translate' and the whole of the post you are reading SHALL BE IN AFRIKAANS just like you can do the same of KISWAHILI or ARABIC!).
One of the most famous nations or nationalities in the entire world are the Zulu; even to the extent that any military will represent the letter "Z" by "ZULU".
How did this come about?
We will come to that point;but important to state for now is the fact that the Zulus are part of the large ethnic Group associated with Ndebele and Swazi. (Some ethnologists incloude the Shangaan/Tsonga/tonga among the same grouping although I think it is absurd to to put a superior or older 'race' like the Tonga AS A SUBSET OF A MORE JUNIOR RACE LIKE OUR NGUNIS. I hope you get my drift.)
Anyway, some 200 years ago, a guy called Shaka Zulu, product of a dysfunctional family, HAD GREAT DREAMS of re-fashioning into 'A ZULU NATION' all the Tonga nations of Southern Africa (Eastern-Cape's Xhosa-speaking Mpondo; Xhosa-speaking Hlubi; Eastern-Cape's Xhosa-speaking-Nelson-Mandela-Thembu etc.) into one NATION.
It seems like Shaka Zulu had a good connection with his Universe (or his God) for he did succeed in his dream of achieving 'a great Zulu Nation'. However, the problem with the Zulu nation for ordinary intellectuals is the fact that they believe that all people who are Zulu today came about through the Zulu clan which is less than a thousand years-old in South Africa having migrated from somewhere in north Africa. AND THAT IS THE GREATEST CONFUSION AND SOURCE OF IGNORANCE IN SOUTH AFRICA ON WHICH TRIBALISTS-CUM-RACISTS LIKE JACOB ZUMA FEED ON IN ORDER TO WIN ANC LEADERSHIP THIS MONTH OF MANGAUNG AT THE EXPENSE OF ANYBODY ELSE (E.G. MOTLANTHE) WHO DOES NOT BELONG TO THEIR RACE OR TRIBE EVEN THOUGH PHIRI'S SECOND COUSIN DR PIXLEY SEME FORMED THE ANC IN COLLABORATION WITH PHIRI'S FIRST COUSIN SWAZI QUEEN MOTHER LABOTSIBENI FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMBATING RACISM AND TRIBALISM IN SOUTH AFRICA.
The fact of the matter is: even though we respect the royalty of the Zulu Clan among the Zulu Nation (just as we respect the Dlamini Clan over the Swazi Sovereinigy), it does remain historical rubbish to postulate (let alone to pontificate) that the entire 10-million-or-so Zulu-speaking South Africans today came to these shores some 600 years ago along side the Zulu Clan. OF COURSE, 99.9% of present-day Zulus even like uneducated Jacob Zuma were originally Tonga/Moroka BEFORE KING SHAKA ZULU ORGANIZED, CIVILIZED, AND UNIFIED THEM IN THE SPIRIT OF PAN-AFRICANISM.
I am not going to go any further neither any deeper about the Zulus save to say they hold a special place in my heart. My father (Phiri's) people come from what we today call a Zulu Nation, having migrated to Malawi during the wars against Shaka Zulu: from me you go to my father Mr Bright Phiri; then to Malawian Mr Jacob Phiri; then to Maziri-a-nkhunda Phiri; then to Pikamalaza Phiri who was not only the surgeon-general of 19th-Century forces (in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania) of Zwangendaba's Mfecane/Difaqane Forces, BUT WAS ALSO THE CHIEF COMMANDER OF THOSE FORCES.
Even if you ignore the paternal Phiri relationship with the Zulu or pre-Zulu people, my mother's people (the Mavimbelas and the Dlaminis) are found in oodles among the Zulu people. SO, NOBODY SHOULD FLOUT GOODMAN MANYANYA PHIRI IF I TOMORROW STOP CALLING MYSELF AN ETHNIC NYASA, BUT OPT TO BE AN ETHNIC ZULU. But of course Jacob Zuma will challenge that and prefer to continue persecuting me for standing against the non-racialism against which he is fighting in order to enrich himself and his wives and his family at Nkandla! (ZUMA erroneously believes 'Zulu' or 'the blood of Zulu' and only happened in South Africa some 600 years ago as the European colonialists so falsely taugh him through Nelson Mandela in prison and to Zuma's gullible acceptance! )
We will end this post with Singer Mahlathini Nkabinde, a native Zulu-speaker from Newcastle, KwaZulu-Natal Province who in his lifetime sang in about all the languages of South Africa. And that is what I think what true Nguniness means and shall show at ANC Mangaung Conference... so, watch this space....
How did this come about?
We will come to that point;but important to state for now is the fact that the Zulus are part of the large ethnic Group associated with Ndebele and Swazi. (Some ethnologists incloude the Shangaan/Tsonga/tonga among the same grouping although I think it is absurd to to put a superior or older 'race' like the Tonga AS A SUBSET OF A MORE JUNIOR RACE LIKE OUR NGUNIS. I hope you get my drift.)
Anyway, some 200 years ago, a guy called Shaka Zulu, product of a dysfunctional family, HAD GREAT DREAMS of re-fashioning into 'A ZULU NATION' all the Tonga nations of Southern Africa (Eastern-Cape's Xhosa-speaking Mpondo; Xhosa-speaking Hlubi; Eastern-Cape's Xhosa-speaking-Nelson-Mandela-Thembu etc.) into one NATION.
It seems like Shaka Zulu had a good connection with his Universe (or his God) for he did succeed in his dream of achieving 'a great Zulu Nation'. However, the problem with the Zulu nation for ordinary intellectuals is the fact that they believe that all people who are Zulu today came about through the Zulu clan which is less than a thousand years-old in South Africa having migrated from somewhere in north Africa. AND THAT IS THE GREATEST CONFUSION AND SOURCE OF IGNORANCE IN SOUTH AFRICA ON WHICH TRIBALISTS-CUM-RACISTS LIKE JACOB ZUMA FEED ON IN ORDER TO WIN ANC LEADERSHIP THIS MONTH OF MANGAUNG AT THE EXPENSE OF ANYBODY ELSE (E.G. MOTLANTHE) WHO DOES NOT BELONG TO THEIR RACE OR TRIBE EVEN THOUGH PHIRI'S SECOND COUSIN DR PIXLEY SEME FORMED THE ANC IN COLLABORATION WITH PHIRI'S FIRST COUSIN SWAZI QUEEN MOTHER LABOTSIBENI FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMBATING RACISM AND TRIBALISM IN SOUTH AFRICA.
The fact of the matter is: even though we respect the royalty of the Zulu Clan among the Zulu Nation (just as we respect the Dlamini Clan over the Swazi Sovereinigy), it does remain historical rubbish to postulate (let alone to pontificate) that the entire 10-million-or-so Zulu-speaking South Africans today came to these shores some 600 years ago along side the Zulu Clan. OF COURSE, 99.9% of present-day Zulus even like uneducated Jacob Zuma were originally Tonga/Moroka BEFORE KING SHAKA ZULU ORGANIZED, CIVILIZED, AND UNIFIED THEM IN THE SPIRIT OF PAN-AFRICANISM.
I am not going to go any further neither any deeper about the Zulus save to say they hold a special place in my heart. My father (Phiri's) people come from what we today call a Zulu Nation, having migrated to Malawi during the wars against Shaka Zulu: from me you go to my father Mr Bright Phiri; then to Malawian Mr Jacob Phiri; then to Maziri-a-nkhunda Phiri; then to Pikamalaza Phiri who was not only the surgeon-general of 19th-Century forces (in Zambia, Malawi, Zimbabwe and Tanzania) of Zwangendaba's Mfecane/Difaqane Forces, BUT WAS ALSO THE CHIEF COMMANDER OF THOSE FORCES.
Even if you ignore the paternal Phiri relationship with the Zulu or pre-Zulu people, my mother's people (the Mavimbelas and the Dlaminis) are found in oodles among the Zulu people. SO, NOBODY SHOULD FLOUT GOODMAN MANYANYA PHIRI IF I TOMORROW STOP CALLING MYSELF AN ETHNIC NYASA, BUT OPT TO BE AN ETHNIC ZULU. But of course Jacob Zuma will challenge that and prefer to continue persecuting me for standing against the non-racialism against which he is fighting in order to enrich himself and his wives and his family at Nkandla! (ZUMA erroneously believes 'Zulu' or 'the blood of Zulu' and only happened in South Africa some 600 years ago as the European colonialists so falsely taugh him through Nelson Mandela in prison and to Zuma's gullible acceptance! )
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Kgalema Motlanthe |
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