I have been meaning to write an article about Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng of South Africa's Constitutional Court. However, a myriad of issues encumbered, and finally, overtook my interest in the Justice.
My cowardice became my blunder because more and more issues seemed to come up piling on the unfinished job, pretty much like bacteria will attack a festering wound.
Today, fearing a possible overtaking by political developments, I have even suspended my favourite topic; my extended family and relatives and Lengibatsandzako, for which this blog was originally started IN ORDER TO ADDRESS CURRENT POLITICAL ISSUES.
My woe: South Africa will in the next few years be a country irredeemably languishing too deep into personalities; if we fail to see the core historical problems with current Zumaphoid racism/tribalism, his documented shielding of corruption,his documented shielding of government corruption by one too many of his Nguni tribe; and the resultant non-service delivery by his government.
Of particular interest as I write this to compound my literary ideas around Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, it has come to my attention that April 5, 2012, in Mpumalanga, Blogger's home province, a Mr Clifford Mkansi will be trying to unseat a so-called Zuma Man by the name of Provincial Premier David Mabuza. Nice stuff, huh?
I say there will be no difference between Mabuza and Mukansi post-Mpumalanga Province-Easter Elections if Mukansi, like Mabuza and Jacob Zuma, will get into the thinking mode started in South Africa's 1940s (by the Nelson Mandelas) that...
"The people of the Eastern Cape of Nelson Mandela are the most intelligent politically and that Nelson Mandela was an angel".
Allow me to elucidate a point one little bit further: Julius Malema a very intelligent young man that Blogger otherwise wholeheartedly supports, still suggests that Jacob Zuma peculiarly brandishes a dustbin for ANC comrades like querulous Julius Malema "something that Nelson Mandela never had while President of the ANC".
But that is the very Malema naivete in question (and, unless Malema wants South AFrica to politically bury him alive, he must move away from with speed) because the greatest trasher of comrades was Nelson Mandela.
As you might have read one or two of my posts previously, Nelson Mandela is the very one who TRASHED ANC Founder Pixley ka Isaka Seme into the dustbin of history so that his own Eastern Cape may appear, falsely of course, as "the home of the clever politicians who started and invigorated the ANC"!
Mukansi needs to know these things if he is serious in meeting ANC leadership requirements post 2012-centenary where us ANC supporters will no more brook any form of racism be it Mandelasque Xhosa racism, Zumaphoid Zulu racism or any racism whatsoever be it "white", "black", "coloured", Afrikaaner or any other South African tribe for that matter.
Now you ask me:
"How does Clifford Mukansi's campaign connect with Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, you Scatterbrained Phiri?"
My answer is simple.
"The connexion is in my ONE head, of course! Please read on and get my drift"
The reports coming out from the zenith of South Africa’s highest and very constitutional court (suggesting judges are encouraged to go acquire, if nothing else, a measure of sensitivity towards the Christian religiosity of South Africans) is for Phiri the best news so far in 2012.
That having been said about a stud of a gem called Mogoeng Mogoeng (The Justice), it is still the very
characters sitting around the pavilion that will turn his gentleman's game into one of ruffians.
The spoilsports for Justice Mogoeng are going to be the rusty dross and the eye-sore in particles around a precious stone. The bitter taste the Justice shall be finger-fed by the very drugged yobs ecstatically hollering and hopping in a chockfull stadium without scruples.
They are lost to any sense of the ubuntu, of the ujamaa or the ustaarabu!
They are totally sold to their whims whipped by the bravura of a soccer star dribbling his way through the legal stadium of justice in the Republic of South Africa.
Oh, yes, THEY will account for the cog that unhinged the machine of South Africa's constitutional democracy; they will count for Justice Mogoeng's definitive undoing, if ever that occurs despite God forbid. Because when Mogoeng's head gets this rust started in the 1940s, a rust pro-tribal or religious superiorities, then chaos will reign in South Africa like the Arab Spring!
Unless as a good soccer star, The Justice introduces into this Law and Justice arena called South Africa, some really fresh and unmatched balls... not mere or superficial religiosity...to complement his kicking style towards the ineluctable need for transformation of the otherwise largely conservative judicial cadre still hankering after the days of Christian Apartheid South Africa in his post-apartheid-2012 justice department, the new style of the Justice, just like Mr Jacob Zuma's Umshini-Wami hit that we mistakenly had thought was Zuma's and Zuma's alone, only to find out a few years later the song refers to Umshini Wakhe UMandela complete with all that goes with the former president's pernicious Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism, South Africa's unofficial nieu-Apartheid and Xenophobia pro-Eastern-Cape.
If I may digress for a mammoth, where a moment can only serve to smother my ideas....
I do not know, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, if you have noticed how for the past 200-500 years of South African history, every racist class will be allowed (by an initially 'revolutionary' brand-new one that later equally and very too soon slumps back to the racist mode of its predecessor class), to gracefully bow out, while the new class acquires the same instruments and tools of oppression from their previous class.
I surmise that, for the past 500 years now and to this very moment, the people of Azania and the original Zion, (officially known as "South Africa"), have been being subjected to an endless and ceaseless cacophony in sheer misrule and oppression.
"Cacophony"? Yes! The English dictionary says I chose the right word!
Obviously, the sound of this bedlam is the blood of God's own Chosen People splashing against the walls of torture in Pretoria or in some exile camp of the ANC and the PAC.
The sound is the sweat hissing and spraying from pores half-sealed by the grime of tribal suppression despite talent where children and extended relatives of leaders like Mandela are given free reign by judges of South AFrica to lord it and to trample down on the constitutional rights of ordinary South Africans who do not speak Mandela's Xhosa language or New-Man-For-Mandela-Zuma's Zulu language.
The sound is the tears falling in a shack onto a shack in Mamelodi, Pretoria, of the Zuma-impovirished Goodman Manyanya Phiri Family BECAUSE ZUMA IS HELL-BENT TO PROTECT MANDELA'S SELF-PROFESSED EXTENDED FAMILY RELATIVE WHOSE CORRUPTION PHIRI DARED WHISLTE ON BACK IN FEBRUARY 2001.
Meanwhile, JUSTICE IS NEVER SEEN TO BE DONE IN SOUTH AFRICA! But maybe it will change with the current talk of the town, New Kid Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.
I am sure by now you do understand why I craved not for a moment. You follow why, rather I prayed for an elephant (just in case somebody tells me "the mammoth, like your Ancient Zion, is extinct Mr Phiri and no science can bring those back while you are free to go to blazes").
Allow me please some entire mansion to clarify what clearly won't fit in a room, Justice Mogoeng.
In that meantime, the harassed, and finally banned vanguard of the vast majority of South Africans who had no roots in Europe (the venerable and very redoubtable African National Congress), was also aggressively infiltrated by the Mandelas who brought into the liberation movement in the 1940s the same tribalism the British settlers spawned in the 19th century against the native Thembu tribe and others and other Xhosa-speakers of the Eastern Cape on one hand, but on the other, ethnic British settler tribalism against settlers of Dutch, French and German stock who had not only been to South Africa for centuries before,but had largely been fully Africanized.
In that vein, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, you may want to realize that Mandela’s great-gran, Thembu King Ngubencuka Vusani, alongside Xhosa Gcaleka King Hintsa was a Colonial British puppet in the mega-tribal programmes against South Africans while Kings Shaka of the Zulus alongside Swazi King Somhlolo Dlamini and not to forget, Xhosa royal warriors Ngqika (and his princely sons Tyhale, Sandile and Maqoma) were vehemently anti-tribalism.
The enigmatic Cape-Settler-Colonial British, you may know this historical fact, ironically, if fatally, thanked Ngqika for his puppet-show.
A young British soldier got orders to shoot the Gcaleka-Xhosa King and before he died on the run like a wild animal mauled in flux by a pack of wild dogs, the other soldiers, bayonets flitting in and out of the mouth of an African King who had stooped so low as to make himself a puppet of oppressive settlers, gouged his teeth for trophies in their military camps.
The shocking lesson was simple enough for Mr Nelson Mandela’s great-gran:
"Once a puppet of the Colonial British Settlers of the Cape Always a puppet to them OR YOU DIE THE MOST HORRID OF DEATHS!
The long and short here is, pre-20th century tribalism between British and Afrikaaners in South Africa (which is also what caused the Anglo-Boer War), was exported to Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme [by affinity Second Maternal Cousin Removed to Blogger and Writer Goodman Manyanya Phiri]’s ANC by a Mr Mandela who infiltrated the ANC in the 1940s with the same ideas of tribalism learned by his ancestors from British Settlers of the Cape.
History and its researchers must still tell us (although it is said Homeland Britain, which was in any case opposed to the slavery travesties of their settlers in South Africa's Cape Province which savegery the settlers conducted with the collaboration of Mandela’s ancestor Ngubencuka, has already an interesting and revealing book on this subject called "Nelson Mandela and Collaboration towards Africa's Nieu-colonialism") as to whether Mandela was an agent of the British or/and The Afrikaaners when he so infiltrated the ANC of Seme’s to even rewrite its history pro-Eastern-Cape with patent falsehoods like the claim: [“The first office ever opened in Johannesburg by blacks was the office of myself Nelson Mandela and my fellow Eastern-Caper, Oliver Tambo”].
Which “black domination” could that have been when all “blacks” were oppressed by dominating “whites” in Mandela’s lifetime?
However, this quotation only becomes plausible when one surmises that Mandela, having listened to the story of the conflicts his ancestor Ngubencuka had with both the Zulus (Shaka) and the Swazis (Matiwane), among others DECIDED (OR WAS SENT) IN THE 1940S TO INFILTRATE AN ANC FORMED “AND DOMINATED” BY THE ZULUS SEME AND ANTON LEMBEDE OF THE ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, FOR ONE AND ONE PURPOSE ONLY: REVENGE A 200-YEAR-OLD VENDETTA BETWEEN ZULU AND TEMBU.
Finally and as a result, when ethnic-European tribalism officially died in South Africa’s 1994, unofficial but very pernicious Mandelasque ethnic-Eastern-Cape regionalism and tribalism (like a can of worms for decades bottled and grown by Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo and Clarence Makwetu in exile all of those pre-1994 years) mercilessly stuffed into South African society to bedevil all efforts and governmental service delivery, with corruption, and ineptitude costing South Africa to this day billions per year.
How did this nieu-Apartheid happen with a sound and robust constitution like ours so prim and ready to defend the people of South Africa?
The point is, for South Africa's constitution to COME ALIVE AND COME TO OUR DEFENCE, IT NEEDS US SOUTH AFRICANS TO STAND FIRM AGAINST WHAT ANC FOUNDER Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme [by affinity Second Maternal Cousin Removed to Blogger and Writer Goodman Manyanya Phiri] called [“The Demon of Ethnicity”] STOOD AGAINST... which is both racism and tribalism, not to mention regionalism whereby Mandela and Zuma will become most popular from their own regions instead of the entirety of the land!
Despite the presence of the constitution, Justice Mogoeng, Mandela’s tribalization-pro-Eastern-Cape of all state resources did take root in South AFrica.
And there is one main reason why it did. ; and undereducated populace of South AFrica is the reason.
There is, however a second but not insignificant contributer to that Mandelasque post-1994-Xhosa-tribal phenomenon that took root in South Africa.
These now were the unrepentent white racists of the former apartheid regime (1948-1994) who were in the forefront of ASSISTING NELSON MANDELA IMPLEMENT THE EXISTING BLACK RACISM AND HEGEMONY OF XHOSA SPEAKERS In South Africa’s status-quo.
Hence it was a so-called white man and an ex-killer of our people during the apartheid SADF days of apartheid, one Eddie Drost, who was assigned the task by another Eastern-Cape-Regionalist Thabo Mbeki, to assault Phiri with impunity 07 March 2001, and to finally falsely charge Phiri based on an alleged February-March investigation into Phiri for which to this day I am refused what was agreed upon between my lawyers and the state Attorney’s that “If the report has gone missing, as Xhosa-speaking Mbeki was claiming in courts, then Phiri must receive a sworn affidavit from Gilbert Lebeko Ramano to the effect that such is the truth and what little has been given to Phiri is all that is available”)
Come 2012, with the arrival of Zuma the Zulu on the helm, put to power by popular demands of a nation sick and tired of the Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism and pro-Eastern-Cape regionalism that Thabo Mbeki was still pursuing, JACOB ZUMA SUDDENLY WAKES UP TO THE TANTALIZING POSSIBILITY THAT, JUST LIKE MANDELA DID WITH FILLING THE ENTIRE NATIONAL STATE MACHINERY WITH ONE TOO MANY IMPERIOUS XHOSA-SPEAKERS, HE TOO AS ZULU ZUMA CAN DO THE SAME FOR HIS REGION, KWAZULU-NATAL!!!
So we have seen down the ages and centuries of South Africa that a former racist or tribalist, is the one that assists a current one to rise to power: from British tribalism, to Verwoerdian Afrikaaner Tribalism, to Mandelasque-Xhosa Tribalism, and now the burgeoning Zumaphoid Zulu tribalism THAT IS THREATENING TO TAKE SOUTH AFRICA TO CIVIL WAR...
Unless we all South Africans stand up as one man, and stop this centuries old pattern of tribalism whose main driver is the fact that previous tribal oppressors are never punished for their crimes against humanity by the new clique of rulers FOR THE MERE REASONS THAT THEY AS NEW RULERS FIND IT MORE COMFORTABLE TO USE THE SHOES OF THEIR PREDECESSORS THAN TO COBBLE FRESH PEDAL ADORNMENT FOR NATION 500-YEARS OF TRIBALISM AND RACISM.
Hence there was no “Nuremberg” trials against apartheid oppressors. Mandela taught us South Africans forgiveness, easy forgiveness. He had reason enough to forgive: one too many of his extended family members or his fellow Xhosa-stribespeple now lives in posh an undeserved posh house(s), drive an expensive car(s) while the rest of South Africa languishes in dire poverty from the scourges of generational type-after-type of racial/tribal oppression 200 years or older!
That was my digression, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng. I guess a dash of sober history, just like a dash of spirituality, is necessary for a judge's sobriety as an accused stands in front of you maybe with a racially-motivated crime.
I also put this detour as a white marker for Your Justice, just in case in the murk called heavily-divided South African society, you find yourslef swayed by the darkness rather than the beckoning light of dawn.
If that happens, you will stand a condemned man even while you still sit in an otherwise powerless chair, with junior judges, based only on the colour of their skin and the click of their tongue, doing the bidding for you.
Just like Comrade Jacob Zuma who is now facing the boot of the great ANC anytime within a the space of a human gestation period, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng will meet the same fate unless he becomes very much aware that around him mill men and women whose heads, in contrast to Mr Mogoeng's, are clearly not well-screwed.
The spoilsports for Justice Mogoeng are going to be the rusty dross and the eye-sore in particles around a precious stone. The bitter taste the Justice shall be finger-fed by the very drugged yobs ecstatically hollering and hopping in a chockfull stadium without scruples.
They are lost to any sense of the ubuntu, of the ujamaa or the ustaarabu!
They are totally sold to their whims whipped by the bravura of a soccer star dribbling his way through the legal stadium of justice in the Republic of South Africa.
Oh, yes, THEY will account for the cog that unhinged the machine of South Africa's constitutional democracy; they will count for Justice Mogoeng's definitive undoing, if ever that occurs despite God forbid. Because when Mogoeng's head gets this rust started in the 1940s, a rust pro-tribal or religious superiorities, then chaos will reign in South Africa like the Arab Spring!
Unless as a good soccer star, The Justice introduces into this Law and Justice arena called South Africa, some really fresh and unmatched balls... not mere or superficial religiosity...to complement his kicking style towards the ineluctable need for transformation of the otherwise largely conservative judicial cadre still hankering after the days of Christian Apartheid South Africa in his post-apartheid-2012 justice department, the new style of the Justice, just like Mr Jacob Zuma's Umshini-Wami hit that we mistakenly had thought was Zuma's and Zuma's alone, only to find out a few years later the song refers to Umshini Wakhe UMandela complete with all that goes with the former president's pernicious Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism, South Africa's unofficial nieu-Apartheid and Xenophobia pro-Eastern-Cape.
If I may digress for a mammoth, where a moment can only serve to smother my ideas....
I do not know, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, if you have noticed how for the past 200-500 years of South African history, every racist class will be allowed (by an initially 'revolutionary' brand-new one that later equally and very too soon slumps back to the racist mode of its predecessor class), to gracefully bow out, while the new class acquires the same instruments and tools of oppression from their previous class.
I surmise that, for the past 500 years now and to this very moment, the people of Azania and the original Zion, (officially known as "South Africa"), have been being subjected to an endless and ceaseless cacophony in sheer misrule and oppression.
"Cacophony"? Yes! The English dictionary says I chose the right word!
Obviously, the sound of this bedlam is the blood of God's own Chosen People splashing against the walls of torture in Pretoria or in some exile camp of the ANC and the PAC.
The sound is the sweat hissing and spraying from pores half-sealed by the grime of tribal suppression despite talent where children and extended relatives of leaders like Mandela are given free reign by judges of South AFrica to lord it and to trample down on the constitutional rights of ordinary South Africans who do not speak Mandela's Xhosa language or New-Man-For-Mandela-Zuma's Zulu language.
The sound is the tears falling in a shack onto a shack in Mamelodi, Pretoria, of the Zuma-impovirished Goodman Manyanya Phiri Family BECAUSE ZUMA IS HELL-BENT TO PROTECT MANDELA'S SELF-PROFESSED EXTENDED FAMILY RELATIVE WHOSE CORRUPTION PHIRI DARED WHISLTE ON BACK IN FEBRUARY 2001.
Meanwhile, JUSTICE IS NEVER SEEN TO BE DONE IN SOUTH AFRICA! But maybe it will change with the current talk of the town, New Kid Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng.
I am sure by now you do understand why I craved not for a moment. You follow why, rather I prayed for an elephant (just in case somebody tells me "the mammoth, like your Ancient Zion, is extinct Mr Phiri and no science can bring those back while you are free to go to blazes").
Allow me please some entire mansion to clarify what clearly won't fit in a room, Justice Mogoeng.
You should know something if in matters of history you are as erudite and observant as you clearly are in matters of law.
The present-day (for me) "anti-constitutional neo-apartheid pro-KwaZulu-Natal-Zuma-government" has a long history starting with the British Settlers in the early part of the nineteenth century.
The British settlers, mere commoners (purporting to be on an official mission by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, which history suggests could well be untrue), started to oppress our people even to the extent of mistreating our Xhosa Kings whose only crime was defence of their sovereign right as Africa’s rulers since the dawn of civilization.
The present-day (for me) "anti-constitutional neo-apartheid pro-KwaZulu-Natal-Zuma-government" has a long history starting with the British Settlers in the early part of the nineteenth century.
The British settlers, mere commoners (purporting to be on an official mission by Her Majesty Queen Victoria, which history suggests could well be untrue), started to oppress our people even to the extent of mistreating our Xhosa Kings whose only crime was defence of their sovereign right as Africa’s rulers since the dawn of civilization.
Then, one day, in the early-to-middle-part of the 20th
century, ethnic-British tribalists of South Africa reached an uneasy peace with
their arch-foes, the Afrikaaners, and
the result was not only the 1910-Union of South Africa (between the two
tribes), unsurprisingly well-supported in London's financial circles in those days, but even when Apartheid kicked
in in 1948 (where the Afrikaaners were given sole tribal political hegemony of South Africa),
ethnic-British South African SUPERCLASS were still supportive BECAUSE THEY REMAINED THE
CAPTAINS OF INDUSTRY, while the Afrikaaner was largely “The Policeman”
or, in the holy Zulu Language, “izinduna zamaNgisi”.
In that meantime, the harassed, and finally banned vanguard of the vast majority of South Africans who had no roots in Europe (the venerable and very redoubtable African National Congress), was also aggressively infiltrated by the Mandelas who brought into the liberation movement in the 1940s the same tribalism the British settlers spawned in the 19th century against the native Thembu tribe and others and other Xhosa-speakers of the Eastern Cape on one hand, but on the other, ethnic British settler tribalism against settlers of Dutch, French and German stock who had not only been to South Africa for centuries before,but had largely been fully Africanized.
In that vein, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng, you may want to realize that Mandela’s great-gran, Thembu King Ngubencuka Vusani, alongside Xhosa Gcaleka King Hintsa was a Colonial British puppet in the mega-tribal programmes against South Africans while Kings Shaka of the Zulus alongside Swazi King Somhlolo Dlamini and not to forget, Xhosa royal warriors Ngqika (and his princely sons Tyhale, Sandile and Maqoma) were vehemently anti-tribalism.
The enigmatic Cape-Settler-Colonial British, you may know this historical fact, ironically, if fatally, thanked Ngqika for his puppet-show.
A young British soldier got orders to shoot the Gcaleka-Xhosa King and before he died on the run like a wild animal mauled in flux by a pack of wild dogs, the other soldiers, bayonets flitting in and out of the mouth of an African King who had stooped so low as to make himself a puppet of oppressive settlers, gouged his teeth for trophies in their military camps.
The shocking lesson was simple enough for Mr Nelson Mandela’s great-gran:
"Once a puppet of the Colonial British Settlers of the Cape Always a puppet to them OR YOU DIE THE MOST HORRID OF DEATHS!
Of course, it is those intra-African differences amongs the ancient
kings, alongside the systematic enslavement of Africans by the British
Settlers, which added to the Mfecane/Difaqane.
It is also by the way that very reactionary Hintsa's son (Gcaleka King Sarhili), who, following in the footsteps of the lack-lustre father, becomes the one now who finally becomes the main tool in the British strategy of destroying the glorious might of the Xhosa nation built by holy Xhosa King Phalo's son, Prince Rharhabe.
Where Rharhabe is concerned, it will not surprise you to note that he was an arch-enemy of both the British Settlers of the Cape and Mandela's Royal Tembu Ancestors pre-Ngubencuka.
It is also by the way that very reactionary Hintsa's son (Gcaleka King Sarhili), who, following in the footsteps of the lack-lustre father, becomes the one now who finally becomes the main tool in the British strategy of destroying the glorious might of the Xhosa nation built by holy Xhosa King Phalo's son, Prince Rharhabe.
Where Rharhabe is concerned, it will not surprise you to note that he was an arch-enemy of both the British Settlers of the Cape and Mandela's Royal Tembu Ancestors pre-Ngubencuka.
The long and short here is, pre-20th century tribalism between British and Afrikaaners in South Africa (which is also what caused the Anglo-Boer War), was exported to Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme [by affinity Second Maternal Cousin Removed to Blogger and Writer Goodman Manyanya Phiri]’s ANC by a Mr Mandela who infiltrated the ANC in the 1940s with the same ideas of tribalism learned by his ancestors from British Settlers of the Cape.
History and its researchers must still tell us (although it is said Homeland Britain, which was in any case opposed to the slavery travesties of their settlers in South Africa's Cape Province which savegery the settlers conducted with the collaboration of Mandela’s ancestor Ngubencuka, has already an interesting and revealing book on this subject called "Nelson Mandela and Collaboration towards Africa's Nieu-colonialism") as to whether Mandela was an agent of the British or/and The Afrikaaners when he so infiltrated the ANC of Seme’s to even rewrite its history pro-Eastern-Cape with patent falsehoods like the claim: [“The first office ever opened in Johannesburg by blacks was the office of myself Nelson Mandela and my fellow Eastern-Caper, Oliver Tambo”].
We will know sooner than later whether it was on Mandela’s own volition,
revenging to the Zulu Seme (for the finger wagged his great-gran of the 19th
century, by another Zulu called [His
Majesty Zulu King and National Founder Shaka ka Senzangakona]), hence Mandela’s
autobiography has this otherwise curious code for a quotation
[“I fought white domination and I fought black domination”].
[“I fought white domination and I fought black domination”].
Which “black domination” could that have been when all “blacks” were oppressed by dominating “whites” in Mandela’s lifetime?
However, this quotation only becomes plausible when one surmises that Mandela, having listened to the story of the conflicts his ancestor Ngubencuka had with both the Zulus (Shaka) and the Swazis (Matiwane), among others DECIDED (OR WAS SENT) IN THE 1940S TO INFILTRATE AN ANC FORMED “AND DOMINATED” BY THE ZULUS SEME AND ANTON LEMBEDE OF THE ANC YOUTH LEAGUE, FOR ONE AND ONE PURPOSE ONLY: REVENGE A 200-YEAR-OLD VENDETTA BETWEEN ZULU AND TEMBU.
Finally and as a result, when ethnic-European tribalism officially died in South Africa’s 1994, unofficial but very pernicious Mandelasque ethnic-Eastern-Cape regionalism and tribalism (like a can of worms for decades bottled and grown by Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo and Clarence Makwetu in exile all of those pre-1994 years) mercilessly stuffed into South African society to bedevil all efforts and governmental service delivery, with corruption, and ineptitude costing South Africa to this day billions per year.
How did this nieu-Apartheid happen with a sound and robust constitution like ours so prim and ready to defend the people of South Africa?
The point is, for South Africa's constitution to COME ALIVE AND COME TO OUR DEFENCE, IT NEEDS US SOUTH AFRICANS TO STAND FIRM AGAINST WHAT ANC FOUNDER Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme [by affinity Second Maternal Cousin Removed to Blogger and Writer Goodman Manyanya Phiri] called [“The Demon of Ethnicity”] STOOD AGAINST... which is both racism and tribalism, not to mention regionalism whereby Mandela and Zuma will become most popular from their own regions instead of the entirety of the land!
Despite the presence of the constitution, Justice Mogoeng, Mandela’s tribalization-pro-Eastern-Cape of all state resources did take root in South AFrica.
And there is one main reason why it did. ; and undereducated populace of South AFrica is the reason.
There is, however a second but not insignificant contributer to that Mandelasque post-1994-Xhosa-tribal phenomenon that took root in South Africa.
These now were the unrepentent white racists of the former apartheid regime (1948-1994) who were in the forefront of ASSISTING NELSON MANDELA IMPLEMENT THE EXISTING BLACK RACISM AND HEGEMONY OF XHOSA SPEAKERS In South Africa’s status-quo.
Hence it was a so-called white man and an ex-killer of our people during the apartheid SADF days of apartheid, one Eddie Drost, who was assigned the task by another Eastern-Cape-Regionalist Thabo Mbeki, to assault Phiri with impunity 07 March 2001, and to finally falsely charge Phiri based on an alleged February-March investigation into Phiri for which to this day I am refused what was agreed upon between my lawyers and the state Attorney’s that “If the report has gone missing, as Xhosa-speaking Mbeki was claiming in courts, then Phiri must receive a sworn affidavit from Gilbert Lebeko Ramano to the effect that such is the truth and what little has been given to Phiri is all that is available”)
Come 2012, with the arrival of Zuma the Zulu on the helm, put to power by popular demands of a nation sick and tired of the Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism and pro-Eastern-Cape regionalism that Thabo Mbeki was still pursuing, JACOB ZUMA SUDDENLY WAKES UP TO THE TANTALIZING POSSIBILITY THAT, JUST LIKE MANDELA DID WITH FILLING THE ENTIRE NATIONAL STATE MACHINERY WITH ONE TOO MANY IMPERIOUS XHOSA-SPEAKERS, HE TOO AS ZULU ZUMA CAN DO THE SAME FOR HIS REGION, KWAZULU-NATAL!!!
Font numerous enough to
perforate the toughest computer screen has been printed enough on that subject,
but suffice it to say and ask GUESSS WHO IS ASSISTING THE SO-CALLED 100%-ZULU-BOY
So we have seen down the ages and centuries of South Africa that a former racist or tribalist, is the one that assists a current one to rise to power: from British tribalism, to Verwoerdian Afrikaaner Tribalism, to Mandelasque-Xhosa Tribalism, and now the burgeoning Zumaphoid Zulu tribalism THAT IS THREATENING TO TAKE SOUTH AFRICA TO CIVIL WAR...
Unless we all South Africans stand up as one man, and stop this centuries old pattern of tribalism whose main driver is the fact that previous tribal oppressors are never punished for their crimes against humanity by the new clique of rulers FOR THE MERE REASONS THAT THEY AS NEW RULERS FIND IT MORE COMFORTABLE TO USE THE SHOES OF THEIR PREDECESSORS THAN TO COBBLE FRESH PEDAL ADORNMENT FOR NATION 500-YEARS OF TRIBALISM AND RACISM.
Hence there was no “Nuremberg” trials against apartheid oppressors. Mandela taught us South Africans forgiveness, easy forgiveness. He had reason enough to forgive: one too many of his extended family members or his fellow Xhosa-stribespeple now lives in posh an undeserved posh house(s), drive an expensive car(s) while the rest of South Africa languishes in dire poverty from the scourges of generational type-after-type of racial/tribal oppression 200 years or older!
That was my digression, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng. I guess a dash of sober history, just like a dash of spirituality, is necessary for a judge's sobriety as an accused stands in front of you maybe with a racially-motivated crime.
I also put this detour as a white marker for Your Justice, just in case in the murk called heavily-divided South African society, you find yourslef swayed by the darkness rather than the beckoning light of dawn.
If that happens, you will stand a condemned man even while you still sit in an otherwise powerless chair, with junior judges, based only on the colour of their skin and the click of their tongue, doing the bidding for you.
Just like Comrade Jacob Zuma who is now facing the boot of the great ANC anytime within a the space of a human gestation period, Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng will meet the same fate unless he becomes very much aware that around him mill men and women whose heads, in contrast to Mr Mogoeng's, are clearly not well-screwed.
One of such
men, and now I must tone down the language, to the "Mr" level... is "Mr" Theunis Botha a
priest turned politician or vice versa, leading some political party I, in my ignorance had mistakenly mistook for a party with a similar led by Reverend Kenneth Meshoe.
In fact, I wrote this article with my gun pointed at Reverend Meshoe, only to discover six hours down my righting that, man, I was shooting at the wrong man!
Having discovered the correct target, a Mr Botha, I continued with my traditional good aiming skills.
In fact, I wrote this article with my gun pointed at Reverend Meshoe, only to discover six hours down my righting that, man, I was shooting at the wrong man!
Having discovered the correct target, a Mr Botha, I continued with my traditional good aiming skills.
In his
support for Mr Mogoeng’s move (to make his judges more conversant with the Faith), Mr Botha very surprisingly becomes mistakenly uncharitable towards
atheists i.e. those who believe there is nothing
here in the shape of, for examples, the Christian God and the Islamic Allah.
This makes me wonder: what theology college
did Mr Botha go to study as a preacherman; or what did one lecturer too many of his smoke
there to make a theologian student apparently believe that "atheists are irreligious monsters
without conscience and without love for fellow human beings"?
Maybe I
should remind Mr
Botha about the story he knows very well, which broke at the beginning
of April last year with the execution through firing squad at a public square
in Tehran. The man so condemned to die was of course one Goodman Manyanya Phiri who had committed a mass murder
somewhere in Iran.
Two months
later, Mr Botha will recall, it turned out that it was all just another hoax and a story
riding on the annual burst of the blue bubble on All Fools' Day.
To crown it all, Goodman Manyanya Phiri was not only still alive and kicking. Worse, he was still typing away his ideas in Mamelodi, Pretoria, South Africa, all in criticism of one Mr Jacob Zuma, a Christian who is not only a repeat offender of sin, but is a pathologically repeat apologizer without restitution.
Phiri (as the hoax story was being thrashed out) never even knew what it was like in Iran, except reading here a bit about a Dr
Baktiar, an Ayatollah Khomeini, or the current very charming head of state renowned
by well-trimmed sideboards and an unquenchable desire for nuclear capabilities to rival a livid Christian West!
One of the greatest African thinkers, the Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Swahili-speaking Tanzania, is quoted as having been fond of saying “Mficha-uchi hazai”, and it means from the Kiswahili “those who hide their ignorance will never receive deliverance that enemy”.
I should contextualize
Nyerere by posing a question to you, my dear Mr Botha to answer without fear or shame,
so that we can cure you of your “religious ignorance”, i.e. “Nyerere’s ‘uficha-uchi’
in Kiswahili”.
Here is the Question: With
the two versions of the Iranian execution of Phiri by firing squad, one being April Fool’s, and the second which is a
Disabusal of the former, WHO IS THE CENTRE OF THAT
If you agree
with me that Goodman Manyanya Phiri remains the centre of the story WHETHER HE
WAS EXECUTED OR NOT, the same argument
stands that "whether you are a
believer in the existence of this entity or Identity called God, or a
non-believer in God, godliness and holiness (or the absence of those qualities) still remain your ball in the game.
IT DOES NOT LESSEN YOUR COMMITMENT TO THE WELFARE OF YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IN SOUTH AFRICA just as declaring yourself "Christian" or "follower of conservative political parties" does not necessarily make you in any way more godly in your ways.
IT DOES NOT LESSEN YOUR COMMITMENT TO THE WELFARE OF YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEINGS IN SOUTH AFRICA just as declaring yourself "Christian" or "follower of conservative political parties" does not necessarily make you in any way more godly in your ways.
In simpler
terms (and if each individual from either camp so intends), atheists are as religious as Christians or any other religion for that matter.
Now I believe if
you wish to support the Constitutional Court Justice (who probably will one day encourage South Africa's judges
to go now to a real Iran o not for a mass execution but for the purpose of getting a feel of Islam), please do not pin
your arguments at the expense of another religion like Atheism.
The point is: if you do that, then you are suggesting to us
that if The Justice one day wakes up and decides judges must also go studying a religion other than Christianity, "Super Christian" Mr Botha is going to get his political party crying foul with full-blown toyi-toyis alongside galloping horses of Terre Blanche in the streets of Johannesburg and Pretoria, huh?
Is that what you want the South African nation to understand you as saying?
Should we understand you to be saying your Christian churches will be praying for your God to rain fire and brimstone on Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng should he in his wisdom one day decide that "judges must go and study Islam, Atheism, Buddhism or Satanism in order to understand offenders who pursue those religions inasmuch as they now understand offenders who pursue Christian beliefs"?
Please, o please en ek soobat jou, whatever your ambitions to hijack or not to hijack our precious Christian Religion for political office, don't take us back to the Dark Ages, Mr Botha.
Incidentally but also very pertinently, South Africa,
do remember Mr Botha, is a secular state and neither an Islamic, Atheist or even Christian one! Not even "humanist" or "liberal", whatever those terms mean to you where I think they are mere gibberish.
Once Reverend Theunis Botha's Party has won national elections, his Very Reverent Self moves into Union Buildings to solve secular problems of South Africans and not to pray for the sick or to preach the gospel!
Once Reverend Theunis Botha's Party has won national elections, his Very Reverent Self moves into Union Buildings to solve secular problems of South Africans and not to pray for the sick or to preach the gospel!
It is from that angle, then, that we as senior civil servants (inclusive of Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng) study and encourage professionals to study
or even, in their private lives, pursue the spiritually salubrious Christianity and all other religions (including Atheism and Satanism) ALL IN ORDER TO BE SENSITIVE TO SOUTH AFRICANS PRACTISING SUCH CONVICTIONS.
Yet this is not to say that those professionals (like judges) are going to make their pronouncements based on the Bible, the Quran or the edicts of Satan.
Far from it! Rather this is an acknowledgement that as civil servants individually fueled by whatever religious or moral persuasions, we still live in an "imperfect" world where all our senses of judgment should be primed from that very fact of human "immorality".
Indeed, the very Bible that you profess to, Mr Botha, would be the first to admonish: ["THOU SHALT NOT JUDGE OTHERS"]!
Yet this is not to say that those professionals (like judges) are going to make their pronouncements based on the Bible, the Quran or the edicts of Satan.
Far from it! Rather this is an acknowledgement that as civil servants individually fueled by whatever religious or moral persuasions, we still live in an "imperfect" world where all our senses of judgment should be primed from that very fact of human "immorality".
Indeed, the very Bible that you profess to, Mr Botha, would be the first to admonish: ["THOU SHALT NOT JUDGE OTHERS"]!
Johannesburg - Liberals and atheists are keeping their eyes on Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng waiting for him to do something objectionable, the President of the Christian Democratic Party said on Saturday.
Theunis Botha was reacting to a Thursday report that Mogoeng had sent an email instructing judges to attend a leadership conference by a United States evangelist.
"It would appear that the liberals and atheists are keeping their beady eyes on Mogoeng, just waiting for him to do something they can object to," said Botha in a statement.
"And why? All because he is a committed Christian and adheres to a Christian value system.
"Had he been a devout atheist adhering to a liberal value system, that is as much ‘religion’ as Christianity, he would have been able to act according to his convictions with impunity," said Botha.
He said liberals demanded fair judgements from the chief justice but then doubted him, suspicious of his Christian stance.
Mogoeng told the Business Day on Friday that he did not compel any judge to attend the course. He said the reports were doing a "disservice to our country" by taking things "out of context and to sensationalise".
According to the [Mail and Guardian Online] a legal academic, who did not want to be named, said the language used in the e-mail "was judicial language for 'you must go'".
Lulama Luti, Mogoeng's spokesperson said in statement on Friday: "... At a meeting of the heads of courts in Johannesburg today... the heads of courts present unanimously stated that they had not felt compelled to attend the conference."
There is, Mr Botha, an almost but not entirely hidden suggestion in your statement “in support of your own sense of justice”, that by definition all Atheists “and the others” are evil, whereas all “Christians are holy and god-fearing”.
Need I remind
you, Mr Botha, that your fellow-Christian Zuma, despite all the great teaching
of Christ and Moses, keeps on breaking all imaginable Christian mores at the
expense of the state and citizens of this land.
Be that at it may, I am still to hear you coming out against Christian Zuma with the same vociferousness there as you reportedly came on this one issue regarding the Constitutional Court's internal decision which I'm sure the Justice would reduce to mere grist for the mill.
Be that at it may, I am still to hear you coming out against Christian Zuma with the same vociferousness there as you reportedly came on this one issue regarding the Constitutional Court's internal decision which I'm sure the Justice would reduce to mere grist for the mill.
If I were to
stick with Mr Botha’s fellow Christian Mr Zuma to drive a point home to the
former. For 18 solid years now Mr Zuma has
been in the forefront of hiding the black-on-black exile racism so hated by the holy Biblical writer Habakkuk, yet I am still to hear Mr Botha talking on behalf of victims of exile black racism, most of whom are still suffering secondary victimization by Zuma to this day!
Allow me to elucidate that point, Mr Botha, but pardon the anecdote.
Despite knocking on every door to have a former exile's family compensated and repatriated by the Zuma government whose ruling individuals were in any case the very ones who were responsible for the xenophobia of exile camps, Christian Mr Zuma’s office refuses to even entertain Phiri asking as to what happened to Truth and Reconciliation Commission well-documnted, amply reported and vividly published in the TRC-Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Books.
Eighteen years down the line of complaints to a government where Zuma personally well-apprised of the Phiri case, I am no closer than I was in 1994 when I knocked at the door of one Zuma's current generals for assistance in this matter, ONLY TO DISCOVER HE WAS PART OF SCHEME OF AT LEAST FOUR (Clarence Makwetu, Benson Mandindi, Monezi Gcilitshe and the relevant Major General Dan Dan Mofokeng). I mean, I am not bringing up a new issue, but I am raising a TRC report complete with a case number where Phiri and his Tanzanian wife and children were declared victims of Human-Right abuses in an exile dominated by Christian Mr Zuma’s fellow Ngunis, the Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists a racism that even today is dogging South Africa so much that it is going to cost Mr Zuma a second chance at the helm of the ANC at best, or cause us a civil war at worst.
Allow me to elucidate that point, Mr Botha, but pardon the anecdote.
Despite knocking on every door to have a former exile's family compensated and repatriated by the Zuma government whose ruling individuals were in any case the very ones who were responsible for the xenophobia of exile camps, Christian Mr Zuma’s office refuses to even entertain Phiri asking as to what happened to Truth and Reconciliation Commission well-documnted, amply reported and vividly published in the TRC-Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Books.
Eighteen years down the line of complaints to a government where Zuma personally well-apprised of the Phiri case, I am no closer than I was in 1994 when I knocked at the door of one Zuma's current generals for assistance in this matter, ONLY TO DISCOVER HE WAS PART OF SCHEME OF AT LEAST FOUR (Clarence Makwetu, Benson Mandindi, Monezi Gcilitshe and the relevant Major General Dan Dan Mofokeng). I mean, I am not bringing up a new issue, but I am raising a TRC report complete with a case number where Phiri and his Tanzanian wife and children were declared victims of Human-Right abuses in an exile dominated by Christian Mr Zuma’s fellow Ngunis, the Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists a racism that even today is dogging South Africa so much that it is going to cost Mr Zuma a second chance at the helm of the ANC at best, or cause us a civil war at worst.
As I can say several and more times again, I am still to hear Christian Mr Botha criticizing Christian Mr Zuma for refusing to recompense for his personal crimes (He was a senior intelligence leader in exile commanding the tribal ruffians who were systematically raping and killing other South Africann freedom fighters along tribal lines as is so well documented in the TRC as the racism practised by racist ethnic Europeans back here in South Africa).
Come post
1994 when Christian Mr Botha’s fellow Christian Zuma must follow the
constitution to eradicate all forms of racism at state office, the self-same
exile victim Phiri is again victimized by self-same perpetrator Zuma with
artificial charges accompanied by THE UNLAWFUL BUT DOWNRIGHT REFUSAL FOR 8 SOLID YEARS
Of course, and your will not be surprised by the fact, Mr Botha: Mr Your-Fellow-Christian Zuma’s 2001 charges against Phiri were geared towards protecting, once again along Zuma’s Nguni racial lines which he had pursued in exile only to have it glossed upon by yet another Mr Christian Nguni Desmond Tutu who let all Apartheid Era human rights perpetrators go scot-free.
Of course, Phiri becomes a serial victim of racists of all colour and hue because like he did, in exile, he dared in 2001 to commit what racists consider a capital crime: being perceived as a non-member of the ruling Zuma race, but daring to blow the whistle on corruption conducted in December 2000 by ([Highly-placed Woman Ntombizodwa Zini-Bobelo who Corruptly Fornicated With one Man Lecturer Raymond Lentsoe in December 2000 for her promotion to security generalcy; Self-professed, reciprocally acknowledged, and protected cousin-and-fellow-tribeswoman of Twin-Tembumen and Cousins Temba Templeton Matanzima and Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, both of them fellow Christians to Mr Botha!
I am a Christian too, Mr Botha; but I hate it
when zealotry tries to politicize Christ, Moses, Mohammed, Buddha or even Karl
Marx in a South Africa crying out for practical solutions rather than religious
Now I beg to finalize my piece (others may qualify it as "saga"), I want to come to Mpumalanga Province's Mr Clifford Mukansi, who as of April 5 2012 is reportedly challenging the Zuma regime to rule South Africa post Mangaung Elective Conference of the ANC in December 2012.
Do you, Mr Mukansi, have what it takes (in terms of historical understanding) where the vast majority of ANC supporters like Phiri want per direction the ANC to go to in its new centenary?
Or, after your election, Mr Mukansi, you are going to end up with new ANC President Motlanthe with Mpumalanga Premier Mukansi both in the pocket of Zuma's Zulus...
...Zuma's Zulus who are in the pocket of Mandela's Xhosas....
...Mandela's Xhosas who are in the pocket of Hendrik Verwoerds Apartheid AFrikaaners...
...Verwoerd's Afrikaanners who are in the pocket of the First British settlers to come in the 19th century to teach Africa about the tribalism that to this day is holding back Continental Africa's development and unity?
Now I beg to finalize my piece (others may qualify it as "saga"), I want to come to Mpumalanga Province's Mr Clifford Mukansi, who as of April 5 2012 is reportedly challenging the Zuma regime to rule South Africa post Mangaung Elective Conference of the ANC in December 2012.
Do you, Mr Mukansi, have what it takes (in terms of historical understanding) where the vast majority of ANC supporters like Phiri want per direction the ANC to go to in its new centenary?
Or, after your election, Mr Mukansi, you are going to end up with new ANC President Motlanthe with Mpumalanga Premier Mukansi both in the pocket of Zuma's Zulus...
...Zuma's Zulus who are in the pocket of Mandela's Xhosas....
...Mandela's Xhosas who are in the pocket of Hendrik Verwoerds Apartheid AFrikaaners...
...Verwoerd's Afrikaanners who are in the pocket of the First British settlers to come in the 19th century to teach Africa about the tribalism that to this day is holding back Continental Africa's development and unity?
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