The ANC was hijacked by self-styled
Pan-Africanist Xhosa-speaking Thabo Mbeki who for self-aggrandizement ("I am an African" diatribe for a speech) impudently plagiarized ANC-Founder-and-Zulu-speaking-Dr-Pixley-ka-Isaka-Seme’s seminal address at
Varsity overseas: “The Regeneration of Africa” (and mimicked this with his watered-down eloquence as characterize “I am an African”) prompting Phiri to ask: “Who asked if you are African Caucasian Asian or some other zombie of the Homo Sapiens species? Who cares? And so what thereafter? Mr Mbeki, wake up as all of us be we African, Asian or European or whatever else, we still remain all of us human beings and members of the same species!”
Varsity overseas: “The Regeneration of Africa” (and mimicked this with his watered-down eloquence as characterize “I am an African”) prompting Phiri to ask: “Who asked if you are African Caucasian Asian or some other zombie of the Homo Sapiens species? Who cares? And so what thereafter? Mr Mbeki, wake up as all of us be we African, Asian or European or whatever else, we still remain all of us human beings and members of the same species!”
Plainly, we do not know how
upcoming ANC President Kgalema Motlanthe is going to behave, but everything
will burst into Motlanthe’s face if he follows the examples of those three black
racists pro-Mandela’s tribe and per Mandela’s precepts of supposed intellectual
superiority of his own tribe from the Eastern Cape and a henchmanship that has
been being followed by both current ANC President Jacob Zuma and predecessor
Thabo Mbeki both of whom may per ethnicity well be as Nguni as Nelson Mandela
is but are, Please Mr. Mandela With Your Lies (that every born Xhosa-speaker is
therefore a Xhosa), not Xhosa. Even
you, Mr. Mandela yourself are not culturally Xhosa (unless of course if, as an
individual practising his or her constitutional rights to freedom of
association, woke up one day to go and identify with ethnic Xhosa with South
Africa’s Department of Home Affairs).
The habitual act of corrupting government
Commissions like Bishop Tutu’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was
corrupted by Mandela with the support of satraps Thabo Mbeki and now Jacob
Zuma, has of late escalated to corrupting South Africa’s judiciary with the
virus and false notion of Eastern Cape innate intellectual superiority over
other ethnic groups and whites in South Africa.
As such, one Judge President Bernard Ngoepe has fallen into the trap of
being a yes-man to Jacob Zuma’s evil acts in power! Time will tell if future
ANC President Khalema Motlanthe will fall for this yarn of racial superiority
pro-Eastern Cape just like near-illiterate Zuma is currently doing to his own
political and painful demise. But may it be stated that the very driving force and
motive behind Jacob Zuma’s use of Marikana-style deadly force in resolving
South Africa’s problems is Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism just like the
Mandelaman-for-Menial-Jobs-Zuma used to murder comrades for Eastern-Cape-tribal
supremacy in the exile led by Eastern-Capers Oliver Tambo (ANC) and Clarence
Makwetu (PAC). The fact is, the mining
sector in South Africa is incapable of paying workers R16000 per month because
if they did, then a Zuma government preoccupied with putting into senior
government positions one too many
Mandela-good-for-nothing-fellow-tribesmen-and-women-from-the-Eastern-Cape like
one promoted-through-the-bedroom SANDF Brigadier General Siziwe Zini Bobelo,
YOU NAME THEM hence Zuma’s order that Marikana Massacre must occur. People should stop getting fooled by
FESTER IN SOUTH AFRICA there is bound to be more massacres in South Africa even
under future State President Khalema Motlanthe or future State President JuliusMalema who is my very favourite I have apparently in vain been warning all the
time to stop singing so enthusiastically the jaded Mandelamaniacal song in his
speeches as if he were the Bishop Tutu so into Mandela as even in a very
unAfrican way to organize Mandela a wife-and-query-booty for a sister (Graca
Machel) whose husband was clearly murdered by Mandela’s friends, the
Apartheid-era Boers. I have never before
seen a Bishop supporting plundering, sacking of cities and taking of enemies’ wives
for booty; and I do not know why layman I should even teach prelates and
pontiffs what they should be knowing more than I do that: all of us human beings
are the same whether San, Thembu, Xhosa, Swazi, Nyasa, Coloured, Caucasian etc and
people like Arch-Bishop Emeritus Tutu preach this fact all over the world but
they come back to South Africa only to kowtow to, and bury their heads into the
sand over, Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism just because it benefits them materially. What a hypocrisy, Your Grace Desmond Tutu!
That having been said, Mr.
Mandela, please stop pontificating lies to the effect that everybody born
speaking the IsiXhosa language like yourself is ethnically Xhosa because by so
doing, you are cementing the evil doings perpetrated by European Colonialism in
Anyway, since Africans do not
follow their mother’s lineage except when conceived by an unmarried woman and
never adopted by any mother’s husband after the natal mishap (culturally speaking), I declare that
Nelson Mandela’s autobiographical poor propaganda (“Long Walk to Freedom”)
I mean, yes, Phiri is culturally
Swazi because my mother taught me the language and I dress the language having
never set foot to Malawi for anything more that two weeks so far; but it is an
African insult to call me an ethnic Swazi, since I am an ethnic Tumbuka! .
The only time a child is given
the mother’s ethnicity in Africa is when the mother did what may be common these days in the SANDF (under Jacob
Zuma’s leadership) by one woman too many claiming cousinship to Nelson Mandela:
IN THE PROCESS OF FORNICATING FOR PROMOTION, conceive a fatherless child! Indeed if you as a reader were born that way,
you are not only innocent of your mother’s doings or slip-ups, but you have to
be proud to keep your mother’s surname and ethnic identity (which is by the way
one of the reasons Manyanya Phiri admires South African Youth Leader Julius
Malema who reportedly sent his truant father to blazes where the latter
reappeared in the Malema’s adulthood to milk his fame) BECAUSE THE DAMN GREAT
(and so my post should not be viewed as attacking single-parent issue and
progeny, yet I make no apology in stating that for an issue like Nelson Mandela
or Manyanya Phiri where our respective fathers paid dues to our mother’s family
Zuma is a Zulu-speaking Zulu,
Mbeki is a Xhosa-speaking Mfengu and Mandela is a Xhosa-speaking Thembu while
Goodman Manyanya Phiri is a Swazi-speaking ethnic-Tumbuka-of-Nyasa South
African stock which does not make Phiri a Swazi or umSwati or does it, Mr.
CONTEXT 2: THE SHAM INVOLVED IN THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION. A sham is for Phiri maybe an understatement for, In fact, instead of being assisted by the Jacob Zumas to dump the mental and physical and mental pain and privation caused us during the struggle against Apartheid White Racism (not to mention the post-traumatic stress disorders we ineluctably had to contract during Apartheid), we are by the self-same Jacob Zumas subjected post-Apartheid to Apartheid-style Gestapo-style SECONDARY victimization with ‘killer men’ sent to our houses to assassinate us (pretext anti-Phiri Anton Piller that no judge of the Republic ordered nor authorized ) whenever we point out incidents of the black racist/tribalist and poor leadership of Jacob Zuma and predecessors Mbeki and Mandela all pro-‘Eastern Cape Xhosa-speaking people-supposedly most intelligent among South African’.
CONTEXT 2: THE SHAM INVOLVED IN THE TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION. A sham is for Phiri maybe an understatement for, In fact, instead of being assisted by the Jacob Zumas to dump the mental and physical and mental pain and privation caused us during the struggle against Apartheid White Racism (not to mention the post-traumatic stress disorders we ineluctably had to contract during Apartheid), we are by the self-same Jacob Zumas subjected post-Apartheid to Apartheid-style Gestapo-style SECONDARY victimization with ‘killer men’ sent to our houses to assassinate us (pretext anti-Phiri Anton Piller that no judge of the Republic ordered nor authorized ) whenever we point out incidents of the black racist/tribalist and poor leadership of Jacob Zuma and predecessors Mbeki and Mandela all pro-‘Eastern Cape Xhosa-speaking people-supposedly most intelligent among South African’.
CONTEXT 3: The 1997 missive quoted hereunder and from the Bishop who chaired the TRC was of course part of the interactions, intense, difficult and near-impenetrable initial interactions (one must say) between Phiri and the TRC in 1997 under the watch of State President Nelson Mandela. So the fax from the Bishop came as a result of Phiri repeatedly phoning the offices of the pontiff’s TRC and asking in sheer despondence the simple question as to why on earth Tutu was apparently refusing to acknowledge in writing my written submission to the TRC as a victim through torture in the hands of Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists/racists-pro-Eastern-Cape of both the ANC and PAC in exile and back here in South Africa (1985-1997).
Of course, that was 1997. Prophetically, and very much indeed, just as it was near-impossible to submit a statement and be acknowledged by Mandelasque-Xhosaman Tutu in that year, it remains to this day for Phiri as much difficult (if not worse) to get a single reply from Jacob Zuma (whose office as of this October 20 2012 has that responsibility per South African law to reply to a citizen now systematically, fraudulently and illegally persecuted by Mandela’s tribe and tribal henchman Jacob Zuma and others for a solid 27 years this 2012) I am still refused answers as to what is there for me to get out of the Mandela so-called Truth and Reconciliation Commission as a victim of Mandelasque Xhosa Black racists dastardly activities and (if you want for a moment to forgetting Jacob Zuma’s toadying up via Spy Tapes to the current Mandelasque racist canker eating away on the fabric of our South African society) henchmen like Major General Daniel Mohato Mofokeng of exile and back here after repatriation.
Sad and painful for Phiri to report here, but in the place of the relief I sought from Tutu's TRC, I have been turned into a serial victim now of gross human rights abuses by Jacob Zuma who clearly wants to pull a Marikana on me and have me shot by six heavily-armed soldiers at my own residence in Lyttelton Pretoria as of March 2011 via orders Zuma gave to Mandela Cousin Xhosa-speaking-and-Thembuy-by-Tribe-Lieutenant General Temba Templeton Matanzaima who in turn gave to his fellow Xhosa-speaker SANDF apparent Provost Marshall Mzophethe Macanda to illegally strip of SANDF uniform six heavily-armed military policemen of uniform and sent them to my residence to obviously shoot me to death if I refuse to hand them “the computer I use to tell the world about Jacob Zuma and Nelson Mandela’s black racism ravaging South Africa”.
What is Phiri’s crime in the eyes of these people related to Desmond Tutu? Of course, Phiri’s crime remains the daring to show fissures in what near-illiterate but heavily-indoctrinated Zulu-speaking Jacob Zuma and his Master Nelson Mandela had falsely imagined had a water-tight case in that Nelson Mandela autobiographical yarn (“Long Walk to Freedom”) and its immanent claim that ‘Nelson Mandela’s Fellow-Xhosa-speaking AbaThembu Tribe of the Eastern Cape are post-Apartheid’s most intelligent tribe’ [Phiri’s emphasis] all at the expense of the rest of South Africa’s vast population of several other minorities inclusive of Whites, Coloureds, Sans, Asians, Pedis, Swazis, Zulus, Vendas, Ndebeles etc ‘and therefore individuals from Mandela’s tribe needs must, however stupid or corrupt they maybe , occupy Jacob Zuma government highest positions and most black generals of even the South African National Defence Force have to have links of Mandela’s Eastern Cape which today is the de facto situation.’ [Phiri’s emphasis] )
VIDEO COMMENTARY:Nelson Mandela and fellow
tribesmen like Mr Desmond Tutu never imagined there still lives someone who
could disabuse the nation of the lie that ‘they as Eastern Capers were (and
still are) the engine of South Africa’s broad liberation movement’ against
Apartheid and European settler colonialism. And here, in the IsiZulu Language,
the daughter of ANC Founder Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme (A Zulu of Tonga/Moroka
stock) blows the myth of ‘Mandelasque Xhosa tribal supremacy in galvanizing the
African National Congress through the founding of the Youth League in the 1940s’.
The idea of the founding of ANC Youth League, she asserts, never (as Mandela
falsely claims) came from no Lionel Majombozi a medical doctor and probably his
own fellow-Xhosa-speaker of course; rather, the brainwave was that of her own father
(Seme) who sensitized into action Anton Mzwakhe Lembede who was arguably the
most intelligent leader ever of the ANC after Dr Seme himself. And both Seme and Lembede had to die
unnatural deaths, the family will assert, as the Mandelasque Eastern-Cape
regionalists like Dr Xuma, Mr Mandela and Oliver Tambo ignobly stole the show
as from the Early 1940s
COMMENT 1: And in relation to Paragraph 3 (“You may also be asked to attend a public hearing of the Commission...”)
This is where the most bizarre in travesties of justice by an ordained bishop happened very much flying in the face of due process of law on which basis Bishop Tutu was appointed to head South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission. And this is the fact that Bishop Tutu, ostensibly for reasons unjustifiably promoting his own Eastern-Cape perpertrators of the persecution against Phiri, never called Complainant Phiri over to give viva voce (or to attend their aforementioned public hearing) over my since 27-year-old pain at the hands of Mandelasque Xhosa black racists and tribalist pro-Mandela’s Eastern-Cape.
To add salt to injury (if the English will allow the term as I do not have time now to confirm with my dictionary), Tutu & TRC company had the gall to call Mr. Daniel Mohato Mofokeng a.k.a. Romero (an APLA Commander for three months and one of the human-right-abuse perpetrators against Phiri to a public hearing about Phiri while Phiri was disinvited as Mofokeng unopposed gave the TRC the bunkum that ‘[Phiri is talking rubbish and had no Tanzanian legally-married wife Mrs Leonilde Makafu-Phiri even recognized by the United Nations who are supposed to have given her subsequently Mofokeng-torn passport-to-South-Africa to start with]’).
Not only did this clear breach in all senses of justice enhance the turning of a Mofokeng-human-rights-abuser-against-Phiri in the exile camps into an overnight hero and Phiri as a ‘liar’, but Tutu’s actions gave Mofokeng power to continue victimizing Phiri later in the South African National Defence Force where Phiri was post-Apartheid to be ranked an SANDF Lieutenant Colonel only to be subsequently attacked by Mofokeng’s minions like Xhosa-speaking Major Sipho Matolweni in March 2001, inspiring in the process false charges that are now (12 years down the line of these false charges) hopefully seizing the attention of South Africa’s Highest Judge, Constitutional Court Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng
For starters, the false charges that were meted out against Phiri on March 9 2001 in the South African Defence Force by one gullible ethnic Caucasian Mr. Eddie Drost (pictured on a column of this post), were initiated by Mr. Daniel Mohato Mofokeng (an SANDF major general now if not higher) through the hand of one ex-APLA Xhosa-speaking Sipho Matolweni (a.k.a. Sputla) and I as victim of those 2001 false charges had seen two days before Mofokeng-primed Matolweni coming and going between the Eddie-Drost-Fornication-For-Promotion College and the then-Mofokeng-supervised-upon-APLA-integration office(a Nelson Mandela distant Cousin Zini Bobelo passed into generalcy through that corrupt Eddie-Drost system of having illicit sex with women and other people’s wives of the SANDF as the one and only ticket for passing Course at the South African Army College where Drost, Zuma, Thabo Mbeki and other suspected womanizers held sway of the SANDF and the South African country at large).
Mofokeng’s man (Matolweni) had been coming to the College to confabulate with
Eddie Drost as to how best to charge
Phiri very falsely, a continuation of the vendetta the Matolwenis and Mofokengs
started together with Jacob Zuma against Phiri in exile from 1985-1987.
When one
considers the warm leniency with which Xhosa-speaking Tutu’s TRC welcomed such
Apartheid-era human-right abusers like (both Mofokeng and one Xhosa-speaking
Alfred Mlandeli Kula who have since for teamed up over the years among other
Xhosa-speak relatives to persecute Phiri) while self-same Tutu was giving
complaing Phiri the cold shoulder, it all makes one wonder: What kind of
justice and healing was/is Bishop Tutu after?
And maybe Tutu viewed justice and reconciliation only proper and
appropriate if it benefitted fellow-Xhosa-speaking individuals. Even
Human-Rights-Violator-Against-Phiri-Family-Romero Mofokeng was given preference
to attend TRC hearing rather than Victim Phiri because, methinks, he is married
to Bishop Tutu’s fellow-Xhosa-speaker, a woman called ‘Pearl’ (and not because
Tutu, as an individual wanted truth, justice
and true national reconciliation in South Africa).
Interestingly (albeit equally
macabre), the Tutu Commission's Report of the TRC does indeed bear Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s name as Case Number (JB04241/01GTSOW) as a victim of gross human human right violations in exile (OR at least the preliminary report of
Tutu’s does bear that number, per my reading of the said source), but whenever I
go to State President Zuma’s office that deals with Apartheid era’s victims of
Human Rights abuses for reparations, I am turned back at the gates and refused
information as to what relief the state has to recompense the Phiri family with
from the pain suffered at the hands of pro-Mandela tribalists like Jacob Zuma
in exile or to bring from Tanzania my wife and children and recompense us for
the pain of tribalism sown in exile by Mandela’s fellow Xhosa-speaker Oliver
Tambo (ANC-African National Congress) and Clarence Makwetu (PAC-Pan Africanist
COMMENT 1: The most reverend Bishop Tutu would then be concluding his letter to Phiri with the corny phrase: “[Phiri] may you be blessed.”
My answer is “Aye, Your Grace and Pontiff!
“I guess I have been truly and highly blessed by your fellow Xhosa-speaking tribe 15 years down the line since your that one of your graceful beatitudes.
“Ye the same man and henchman of Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism a.k.a. the Jacob Zuma who was notorious for signing off the death of non-Xhosa-speakers in exile is once against harassing non-Xhosa-speaking Phiri and family via abuse of power just like he used to do in exile except he has now got Tutu’s blessings in doing so!
Jacob Zuma is illegally sending armed soldiers to make attempts on Phiri’s life. Yeah, Bishop and Your Grace Tutu: the cover-ups by your TRC commission on the black racism pro-Mandela’s tribe in exile has engendered in the South African National Defence under Jacob Zuma probably the worst form of racism (black tribalism) you can find anywhere with any army in the world and us whisltleblowers are hounded by Zuma with all manner of persecution, because of Your Grace, Bishop Tutu, protecting Apartheid-era evil-doers of your fellow Eastern Cape Province tribalists of ANC and the PAC by giving them a voice in your commission while muffling one too many complainants and victims of abuses (Phiri) and you have thus subjected me to secondary abuse, Your Grace Tutu. And please understand that while you read this post that, while I have officially serve the South African Liberation struggle for (PAC and ANC and the South African National Defence Forece for a total of 35 years now in very senior positions like like Chief Electronic Broadcast Journalist for a liberation Movement, National Coordinator of Adult Education for another liberation organization, and a deputy director of South Africa’s deputy director of Military Intelligence Processing for Ground Forces) I, solely because I am not your fellow-Xhosa-speaker coming from the Eastern Cape of your oversized Nelson Mandela and Your Grace Self, find myself typing these lines behind a chair kissed in nanoseconds by virtual torrents of rainwater streaming frm my shack roof as the only accommodation I can afford in Mamelodi after impoverishment by your fellow Xhosa-speaking tribesmen in the SANDF and their Zuma via the abused courts has rendered Phiri incapable of affording amu better accommodation for myself, my two year old daughter, and my second wife.
Talkiing of Phiri wives, Your Grace Desmond Tutu, you know of course, that my first wife Tanzanian-born Leonilde Makafu-Phiri and subject of Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribal victimization in exile and the very reason why as you know I had approached your Commission in 1997 is by self-same Mandelasque-Xhosa-racist-henchman Jacob Zuma 18 years since the dawn of South Africa’s democracy still banished with two of our Phiri children to Tanzania where your Commission refused to give her and me a voice despite clear-cut persecution by the Major General Daniel Mohato Mofokeng that Your Grace, in your clearly twisted wisdom, decided to rather give a voice to in your Commission to the exclusion of Victim Phiri).
COMMENT 1: The most reverend Bishop Tutu would then be concluding his letter to Phiri with the corny phrase: “[Phiri] may you be blessed.”
My answer is “Aye, Your Grace and Pontiff!
“I guess I have been truly and highly blessed by your fellow Xhosa-speaking tribe 15 years down the line since your that one of your graceful beatitudes.
“Ye the same man and henchman of Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism a.k.a. the Jacob Zuma who was notorious for signing off the death of non-Xhosa-speakers in exile is once against harassing non-Xhosa-speaking Phiri and family via abuse of power just like he used to do in exile except he has now got Tutu’s blessings in doing so!
Jacob Zuma is illegally sending armed soldiers to make attempts on Phiri’s life. Yeah, Bishop and Your Grace Tutu: the cover-ups by your TRC commission on the black racism pro-Mandela’s tribe in exile has engendered in the South African National Defence under Jacob Zuma probably the worst form of racism (black tribalism) you can find anywhere with any army in the world and us whisltleblowers are hounded by Zuma with all manner of persecution, because of Your Grace, Bishop Tutu, protecting Apartheid-era evil-doers of your fellow Eastern Cape Province tribalists of ANC and the PAC by giving them a voice in your commission while muffling one too many complainants and victims of abuses (Phiri) and you have thus subjected me to secondary abuse, Your Grace Tutu. And please understand that while you read this post that, while I have officially serve the South African Liberation struggle for (PAC and ANC and the South African National Defence Forece for a total of 35 years now in very senior positions like like Chief Electronic Broadcast Journalist for a liberation Movement, National Coordinator of Adult Education for another liberation organization, and a deputy director of South Africa’s deputy director of Military Intelligence Processing for Ground Forces) I, solely because I am not your fellow-Xhosa-speaker coming from the Eastern Cape of your oversized Nelson Mandela and Your Grace Self, find myself typing these lines behind a chair kissed in nanoseconds by virtual torrents of rainwater streaming frm my shack roof as the only accommodation I can afford in Mamelodi after impoverishment by your fellow Xhosa-speaking tribesmen in the SANDF and their Zuma via the abused courts has rendered Phiri incapable of affording amu better accommodation for myself, my two year old daughter, and my second wife.
Talkiing of Phiri wives, Your Grace Desmond Tutu, you know of course, that my first wife Tanzanian-born Leonilde Makafu-Phiri and subject of Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribal victimization in exile and the very reason why as you know I had approached your Commission in 1997 is by self-same Mandelasque-Xhosa-racist-henchman Jacob Zuma 18 years since the dawn of South Africa’s democracy still banished with two of our Phiri children to Tanzania where your Commission refused to give her and me a voice despite clear-cut persecution by the Major General Daniel Mohato Mofokeng that Your Grace, in your clearly twisted wisdom, decided to rather give a voice to in your Commission to the exclusion of Victim Phiri).
971105 fax (from 011 333 6341) to Phiri at 13H05 [South African Time] page two (the letter proper) of the said fax from South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Johannesburg, Sanlam Centre, 10th Floor, corner Jeppe and Von Weilligh streets, PO Box 1158, Johannesburg, 2000, Telephone: (011) 333 6330 Fax: (011) 333 0832
Reference No.: JB04241/01GTSOW
Mr. Goodman Manyanya Phiri
No. 2903 Highpoint
Cnr Claim & Kotze Streets
05 November 1997
Dear Mr. Phiri
RE: Statement submitted to the Human Rights Violation Committee
We would formally like to thank you for making a statement to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Your willingness to trust the Commission with your memories will assist us to find out the truth about South Africa’s past and will help bring about the healing that you and our country need.
The Human Rights Violations Committee of the Commission will consider your statement and will make a finding on whether or not you are a victim of a Gross Violation Human Rights as defined by its mandate. This may take some time, since all the relevant information must be gathered and it may be necessary to conduct further investigations.
You may also be asked to attend a public hearing of the Commission if you give your permission. Unfortunately, not everybody who submits a statement to the Commission will be invited to a hearing. If you are asked to attend, you will receive a letter from the Commission outlining all the arrangements.
Committee will assist you wherever possible and will make recommendations to the State President on how the government should hep all victims of gross human rights violations. If you would like the names of people or organizations who have offered to help, please contact one of our briefers at the address above.
Thank you again for being part of the process of healing and reconciliations in our country.
May you be blessed.
Yours sincerely,
The Most Reverend Desmond Tutu
Mr Wynand Malan,
Ms. Hlengiwe Mkhize,
Dr Fazel Randers,
Ms Yasmin Sooka
Mr Wynand Malan,
Ms. Hlengiwe Mkhize,
Dr Fazel Randers,
Ms Yasmin Sooka
Mr Patrick Kelly
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Arch-Bishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu. He headed what in Blogger's experience was South Africa's sham Truth and Reconciliation Commission that made it its task to reveal all the pre-1994 racially-motivated atrocities perpetrated by white people in South Africa but went to pains with the sweeping under the carpet of what was then a burgeoning Mandelasque-Xhosa-racist black racism in both the then-Xhosa-speaking-Clarence-Makwetu-led- Pan Africanist Congress of Azania in exile and fellow-Xhosa-sepaking-Oliver Tambo for South Africa's ruling party the African National Congress now led by Black-racism Henchman Jacob Zuma. As of this October 2012, South Africa under a Jacob Zuma indoctrinated (by Nelson for about 10 years on Robbern Island) about supposed superior mental capabilities of everybbody born in the Eastern Cape (like Tutu and Mandela) in relation to other non-Eastern-Cape natribes. Courtesy for the picture: WIKIPEDIA |
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The vid and pic above depict two of exile-era henchmen in
propagating Mandelasque racial supremacy for Eastern-Cape-born Bantu and both
of the depicted characters are as of this 2012 in power, and very high power,
in South Africa today respectively viz. Lieutenant General Moreti Johannes
Motau (Xhosa-speaking) and Mr Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma (Zulu-speaking)
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