South Africa under the leadership of Mr Nelson Mandela protégé one Jacob Zuma is on fire with the apex of said flames being the current wars waged by the poorest of the poor in South Africa.
I am writing here about the masses who, despite Mandela’s 1994-freedom still wallow in grinding poverty while political fat cats who infiltrated our ruling and much-loved ruling party in South Africa (African National Congress-ANC) through tribalism, stand helpless, irritated and murderously jittery alongside Jacob Zuma. The trigger-happy Marikana massacre illustrates my point to the fullest. Indeed, I myself survived a hunt by six of Zuma’s unlawfully armed security men who clearly had the intention of giving the medicine they subsequently gave to those poor mine-workers of Marikana.

Now, the senses of verve and frenzy in the search for the most effective fire-extinguisher in the face of the ongoing economic conflagration engulfing South Africa are of course the most noble and intensely patriotic of concerns!
O no one in his or her right mind can say that we as South Africans can now do anything except to work together for solutions like we have never done before.
Some hotheads will suggest the removal of Jacob Zuma Gedleyihlekisa from the helm of ANC leadership will suffice.
I beg to differ!
What if Khalema Motlanthe, like Jacob Zuma, has been contaminated with Mandelamania?
What if Julius Malema, the one of whom we are told should be ANC President by 2022 is equally contaminated?
So to start pontificating the removal of Jacob Zuma from the helm as South Africa’s panacea is for Phiri and Blogger a naiveté nonpareil since Jacob Zuma is a product of ideas of his predecessors, particularly ideas of his mentor, Mr. Nelson Mandela whom both Motlanthe and Malema has not on one single day found to be at fault!
That having been said, it is the ideas and myths spread around by a 1918-born Mr Nelson Mandela that gave us a Jacob Zuma of 2012. As a result, ignoring the Mandelasque embers that ignited the current 2012 fire in the first place will be the most dangerous and illogical thing to do!
I mean, how dare the sane amongst us and you ignore the Mandela element in the current 2012-Zumaniacal-problem despite candescent Mandela lies as put in his autobiographical ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ to the effect that [the ANC Youth League founding was an idea of one Lionel Majombozi, a medical doctor who was in all probabilities like Mandela, Xhosa-speaking?].
We know of course from even the most cursory of history reading and research that, nothing can be further from the truth of Mandela’s autobiographical pretensions since (we know from our own ground work particularly with a child of ANC Fonder Dr Pixley Seme) that the very man (Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme) whose brainwave it had been to found the ANC back in 1912, was the same man who also had the brain wave of founding an ANC Youth League.
This comes out very clearly from the interview with a person who was there when Dr Seme gave Firebrand Julius Malema (Sello) of the 1940s the instruction:
“[You must go out there and establish a youth league for the ANC, you hear me, Boy?]”
Of course that Julius Malema succeeded in fulfilling that mission all with Nelson Mandela and some few other Xhosa-speaking-Eastern-Capers trailing behind him.
However, (and the most salient point of this narration and blog post), there was no Medical Doctor Mr Lionel Majombozi lingering anywhere around in that group of largely-Mandela-championed-Xhosa-speakers led by Pedi-speaking Julius Malema who in the 1940s set forth to confront ‘ANC President Zuma Xhosa-worshipping’… ‘ANC President Xuma Xhosa-speaking’… slip of my keyboard, sorry!
For starters, Mr Nelson Mandela confesses in his autobiography that the young man Malema was so dynamic they as Eastern Capers and everybody else took it for granted he was going to end not only as the President of the newly-founded ANC Youth League, but he would end up being the President of the mother body (ANC proper) one day soon.
No sooner was that realization made by the Mandelas in those 1940s than they charged Julius Malema for ‘Money Laundering’…
…..Sorry again: They did not charge him!
Rather they poisoned him to death!
A state-sponsored assassination, and (for that matter) fatal poisoning that, to this day (and long after the demise of Apartheid and other forms of forms European colonial domination) remains a state secret!
The question still begs: Who, Mr Know-All Mandela, cut short in those 1940s the life of that very erudite first ANC Youth League President, and “Pedi-speaking Julius Malema” who was known in those days as Zulu-speaking “Anton Mzwakhe Lembede”?
The question still stands for answering by you, The-Mr-Nelson-Mandela-Who-Claims-To-Be-South-Africa-Arch-Liberator-And-The-First-Native-African-Lawyer-To-Open-With-Fellow-Xhosa-Speaking-Oliver-Tambo-A-Practice-In-Johannesburg....
"Who, in those 1940s, snuffed out the scholarly life of that first ANC Youth League President named Zulu-speaking Mr Anton Mzwakhe Lembede who, in fact (and contrary to Mandelasque lies in so-called 'Long Walk To Freedom', after legal eagles like Seme, Mangena and Montsioa) probably ranks as Johannesburg's First Native African LAWYER?"
The question still prods: Who, Mr Mandela, 'removed from society' in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the LINGUIST?
The question still stands: Who assassinated in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the ACTIVIST, leaving Nelson Mandela; leaving some members of Mandela's extended family; leaving even some members of Mandela's own AbaThembu Tribe; albeit leaving to that extent even some members of Mandela's fellow-Xhosa-speakers; and verily leaving even some members of Mandela's fellow ex-Eastern-Cape-born individuals doing a Long Walk To Freedom emblazoned now as a Mandela Lone Walk to Freedom and something Phiri would characterize as a Wrong Walk To Freedom with one too many Xhosa-speaker destroying under Jacob Zuma the sustainabillity of the Republic of South Africa By Means of Promostion To High Office Through Fraud?
The question still stands: Who, Mr Mandela assassinated in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the EDUCATIONIST ipso facto leaving us with a Nelson Mandela who, through his autobiographical “Long Walk to Freedom” not only derides Lembede and Dr Pixley Seme’s higher education but goes further to promote a hitherto illiterate Zulu-speaking Jacob Zuma for high positions in exile where the latter was to the broad liberation movement and the erstwhile struggling masses of South Africa proffered as a so-called Zulu-speaking ANC Chief Intellegence Officer for the ANC under Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo in exile which Zulu-speaker was a man wont to signing off as kosher the wanton murder or non-Xhosa-speakers who were opposed to Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribalism in ANC’S exile?
History is clear: from that day of Lembede’s assassination, Mandela and other ex-Eastern-Capers like Oliver Tambo and you name them (for the 1st time ever albeit belatedly in comparison to Year 1912 of ANC founding by ethnicities like Zulu, Pedi, Tswana and Sotho) FLOODED both the ANC Youth League and of course as time went on, the ANC proper. It is the same day when Mandelasque tribal lies started e.g. [The 1st office of lawyers by black lawyers in Johannesburg was that of Xhosa-speaking Nelson Mandela and Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo]--- a blue lie in “Long Walk to Freedom” when you consider that both ANC Founder Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme and Youth League Founding President Anton Lembede had their legal offices a stone’s throw from what is today Luthuli House and capital of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress: the heart of Johannesburg! Even Mandela’s teething into law was guided by thankless Nelson Mandela especially if you can follow the Zulu Language enunciated here by the only surviving child of about 5 children of Seme’s, Her Royal Highness Helen Damba:
Some two to three decades later, another prominent Zulu-speaking ANC heavyweight was assassinated in order to make more room for Mandela’s fellow-Xhosa speakers. That second assassination was of course that of Zulu-speaking ANC President Inkosi Albert Luthuli.
Who in nieu-colonialist South Africa can guess…? …to this day of Jacob Zuma’s 2012 presidency, (just like during Apartheid) the assassination of ANC President Luthuli is for Jacob Zuma STILL A STATE SECRET!
Of course, that particular assassination is what made Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo to become President of the ANC ad nauseum! Not only that, but the unfortunate-and-hitherto-unexplained-death-of Albert Luthuli; and the field was thrown wide open for systematic and methodical assassination and persecution of scores of promising ANC cadres in exile.
Indeed, under wraps of exile secrecy, ethnic dismemberment of the ANC pro-Mandela’s fellow Xhosa-speakers and non-speakers born in the Eastern-Cape now happened: assassinations, burying alive, starving, torture, rape, you name them all. So impudent and contemptuous to law were the racists (e.g., Xhosa-speaking Monezi Gcilitshe, Xhosa-speaking Benson Mandindi) and their sycophants (Zulu-speaking Jacob Zuma and Sotho-speaking Romero Mofokeng) they saw nothing in tearing up documents and passports issued by the United Nations for the repatriation of non-Xhosa-speaking Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s family and banishing to Tanzania that family forever, with Phiri’s only solace 18 years down the line, being to see my exiled children as mere background picture to this blog! Of course, the doers of this crime were commanded in chief by Xhosa-speakers Party President Xhosa-speaking Clarence Makwetu for the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and for the ANC, Party President Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo, the very one who had been with Mandela in the forties when non-Xhosa-speakers were elbowed out of the ANC Youth League!
Of course, the cardinal sin you could commit against exile racists pro-Mandela’s Eastern Cape was to blow the whistle against their atrocities of exile. The other serious sin would be to be dynamic when you were non-Xhosa-speaker. (According to these black racists of South Africa who first hit the political scene in the 1940s “brilliance can only be equated to Xhosa-speaking”, and if you are bright without being a Xhosa-speaker “you are an enemy and you hate Xhosa-speakers and definitely you will be accordingly dealt with”.
These truths must be told now since we cannot have economic freedom in South Africa if our history itself is not free from the Mandela autobiographical lies which cement and justify this ongoing pro-Eastern-Cape racism in Jacob Zuma’s government and beforehand. If left unexposed and un-extirpated, such lies are bound to breed more Zuma-type and Mofokeng-type political sycophants pro-Mandelasque-tribalism. There will be more of them who, like Mr. Jacob Zuma, rise to power through the tribalism that says [‘South African ethnicities other than Mandela’s did nothing substantial in the history of the ANC and if an enterprising non-Xhosa-speaker must be tolerated, at least he must be one who was born in the Eastern Cape or one who married an Eastern-Cape spouse like SANDF Major General Daniel Mohato Mofokeng; otherwise of the other tribes only blockheads shall be promoted to prove our theory of Eastern-Cape mental superiority’].
From that tribal sycophancy in praise of ‘Eastern Cape Mental Superiority, The Home of the ANC and the Home of Father of the Nation Nelson Mandela’ (as Zuma surprisingly, ignorantly and frequently finds himself saying particularly after falsely claiming [‘Nelson Mandela’s cousin King Dalindyebo offered 50 cows, the biggest offering of all, during the founding of the ANC’ in ], it is easy to see how the self-same sycophants end up in bed with big capital, mowing down workers so mercilessly as a result.
Nelson Mandela’s narrow, skewed and incorrect ethnic ideology, together with his deliberate misrepresentation of the history of the great and heroic AmaXhosa People in “Long Walk to Freedom” must shoulder the mess going on in South Africa now under Zuma. It is a clear indictment and he started the embers of political untruthfulness, the embers that went into the economy in 2012, and an economy that is engulfed by the current conflagration.
Jacob Zuma Disabused of False Notions
By the way, the biggest material contributor to the founding of the ANC, Mr. Zuma and for your information, was Blogger Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s maternal first cousin, the Queenmother of Swaziland Labotsibeni whose contribution alone for the establishment of ANC mouthpiece Abantu/Batho went to 200 cattle. In the same breath, it is for Phiri doubtful if Nelson Mandela’s cousin, King Dalindyebo of the AbaThembu even was part in any way to the founding of the ANC 100 years ago; and this could be one of the Mandelasque historical fabrications similar to the fabrication-turned-propaganda and presented as historical fact ‘of a Lionel Majombozi who came up with the idea of the founding of the ANCYL).
Come on, Sirs and start thinking for yourselves: if King Dalindyebo did contribute those 50 head of cattle, why DOES Nelson Mandela (‘Long Walk to Freedom’) CONFESS TO PRACTICALLY KNOWING NOTHING ABOUT THE ANC UNTIL HE AS AN ADULT CAME TO JOHANNESBURG?
Think again: why would this Mandela confess to knowing nothing about the ANC when he claims his father, Thembuman Gadla Mandela ‘was not only a custodian of “Xhosa” history and practical prime minister of then AbaThembu King Dalindyebo who would take Mandela’s father along for any meeting or gathering?
Surely, before knowing about history of the AmaXhosa People he would know first about the history of his own AbaThembu People! Even if you argue pro- the Mandelasque fallacy that 'AbaThembu and AmaXhosa are one people', Gadla Mandela would logically still be a specialist first of his own Tembu subset before being a so-called-historical specialist of Superset Xhosa. And that is called pure, Sirs; hence your claims in your biographies do not gel!
Surely, Mandela’s father, [‘virtual Prime Minister to AbaThembu King Dalindyebo’] as Mandela himself claims, would have been there when His Majesty parted with the aforesaid 50 head of cattle in 1912 for the founding of the ANC!
Surely Mandela, who claims he was fond of listening to elders relate African history, would have heard about ‘this generous contribution of 50 cattle by King Dalindyebo for the founding of the ANC in 1912’!
Since there is no other Xhosa-speaking king of the Eastern-Cape (mind you as my reader that there are many other sovereign peoples of the Eastern Cape who, like the AbaThembu Nation, are not ethnically Xhosa and yet natively speak isiXhosa because of the doings of Apartheid and previous settler colonial regimes in South Africa) touted to have, like King Dalindyebo and Mandela’s cousin, given the ANC cattle for its founding, A VERY DRAMATIC PICTURE JUMPS OUT FOR YOU FROM THIS COMPUTER SCREEN IN AMOMENT.
Combine this Mandelasque claim with the sister one which falsely pontificates that ‘[Every Xhosa-speaker of the Eastern Cape is ethnic Xhosa by mere virtue of speaking the language]’ YOU SEE WHY ABATHEMBU INDIVIDUALS LIKE MANDELA ARE LEADING THE ONGOING RACISM AND TRIBALISM IN ZUMA'S ADMINISTRATION OF BOTH THE ANC AND THE COUNTRY, FORCING SELF-PROMOTION BY MEANS OF SELF-PROSTITUION IF NEED BE AND HIDING BEHIND THE GREAT NAME OF XHOSA. [‘Us AbaThembu are the smartest and most far-sighted of the whole ‘Xhosa Nation’ because of all the kings of the Eastern Cape, only AbaThembu King Dalindyebo appreciated the founding of the ANC, and so it is the duty of EVERY Xhosa SPEAKER to defend AbaThembu individuals like Mandela, his relatives and all AbaThembu in government employ of Zumas because us AbaThembu created the ANC for all of your other Xhosa speakers.’
This explains why practically all Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s persecutors for the past 27 years (since 1985 when Comrade Chris Hani sent me to Tanzania with the ANC, to 1994 when PAC individuals started a torment against me, to 2001 when false charges were engineered against me, to 2002 when scurrilous lies were given to the mass media about me, to 2011 when six heavily armed were sent to my residence in Lyttelton Pretoria to raid or kill me) ARE XHOSA-SPEAKERS OR PEOPLE BORN IN THE EASTERN CAPE.
Here is a quick but by-no-means-exhaustive list of them:
Moreti Johannes Motau born Tuesday 10 March 1953, also known as “Mojo” (The commander of ANC Camp of Dakawa in the 1980s. There is a video I have done about him; but he is also the one who commanded the SANDF Division that, much against the law, took a confidential letter I had written to President Mbeki RE imperfections so crass in Motau’s Intelligence Division that they caused the otherwise plainly-preventable death and mayhem unleashed by the Boeremag in South Africa back in 2002)
Stanley Mabizela (He would coordinate all the racist filth pro-Eastern Cape superiority for the Tanzanian region of the ANC presence in Africa. The late Mabizela has been known to allow hooligans to grab you from his office in Dar es-Salaam which was a stone’s throw from where I lived at Mwananchi Building with the likes of Romero Mofokeng… grab you per assistance of his hooligans when you come knocking at his office door in need his assistance from persecution in the camps, which ruffians would then drive you off pinioned and you would never again be heard from. Mabizela is the one who caused Phiri to leave Dakawa in 1987 and return to mother party, the PAC, after a spine-chilling warning to stop blowing the whistle on systematic rapes of recruits by ruffians on a Dakawa camp that had hitherto been run Mojo Motau and some wife of yet another ex-Eastern-Cape-fellow, and one of those accused in sworn affidavits by the allegedly raped female comrades, was a Xhosa-speaking fellow called ‘Sydwell’ who was also an intelligence officer for the Mojo-Motau. Eastern-Cape-born Stanley Mabizela tore to pieces all those affidavits handed to him for complaints about the rapes; but during the same blood-curdling diatribe of his in Dakawa, Mabizela on-the-spot stripped ANC membership from Zulu-speaking Comrade Cecil Nduli of Durban, from a Xhosa-speaking comrade of Mpondo ethnicity who went by the pseudonym “Professor” and a few others for the crime of encouraging the female victims of rape…all of those women were Zulu-speaking…). It was not many days after Mabizela’s warning to Phiri that “[the Intelligence will deal with you if you continue taking affidavits of the women]”, than false charges were levelled against me and I was given a summary sentence to go to a bush and dig a grave-sized hole in the ground, which order was given by one Jackson Dira. I was ready for the grave from the days I joined the freedom struggle in 1976, but I was not ready to dig my own grave: not after the shocking news that Xhosa-speaking Robert Mance of Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College had just buried alive two Coloured Comrades (whom I had seen), per signature of Jacob Zuma! And so I left the Morogoro ANC Dakawa Camp for Dar es Salaam! I have it on good authority that Stanley Mabizela is long deceased, but I cannot vouch for the hearsay that so too is Jackson Dira who is said to have been fed the lethal poison by his own mother. And if true, it would sound to me that evil men die evil deaths too! Or check for the type of death black-racist-pro-Eastern-Cape Benson Mandindi died! In any case, when I had decided to leave the ANC for my Dar es-Salaam and the PAC, I wanted to do it lawfully; and so I planned to go to ANC Chief Representative Mabizela’s office to get paperwork that would divorce me with the ANC, at least the exiled branch thereof; but that is when I got the forewarning I would not come back home if I went to that office, and stories poured in from ANC comrades how Mabizela, pretty much like his protégé Norman Yengeni on this list, would fool you towards some arrangement only to find that you are going to end up in some unknown grave in Tanzania. The PAC could not help me either because it would have looked like they were ‘poaching an ANC member’. The dilemma made me remember two pictures as a child my father kept in the living room. They were pictures of my eldest sibling, my half-sister Mrs Mary-Ann Tiezghe Gondwe now resident in Mkeka, Lusaka, a stone’s throw from the Army Barracks there and I have a picture of my sister somewhere here online. The other picture was that of my uncle or my father’s youngest brother whom Father had always said is in Tanzania. I also remembered about relatives whom I had met around Year 1982 and so I started writing letters to Zambia as well as Malawi trying to trace my eldest sister in Zambia and ask for the whereabouts in Tanzania of my uncle, and do a similar inquiry with Malawi. I was fortunate to discover my uncle write in Dar es-Salaam Ubungo in about 3 weeks thereafter and I went with him this town round to Mandelasque Xhosa racist Stanley Mabizela to demand my paperwork that would clear me to return to my mother organization, the PAC. And Mabizela pretended he was happy to see I had an uncle who is Tanzanian and said to come the following day to have my clearance papers which I never got the following day and the next and the next. And when I reported this false promise to the PAC (then led by Swazi- or Shangaan-speaking Johnson Mlambo) the PAC decided to take me back in come what may. Mabizela never challenged my return to the PAC and I was working freely as broadcast journalist for the Voice of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and its military wing The Azanian People’s Liberation Army named ‘Mordecai King’. I have a number of videos online I have done of my Tanzanian uncle’s children and grandchildren: sad they are in Kiswahili, but soon you may have them under this paragraph if you happen to understand the language. But I think the childhood experience I got from my father keeping photos of both my eldest sister Mary-Ann as well as Uncle Kingwill Moses Phiri in Zambia and Tanzania respectively, taught me a great deal about valuing relatives however distant of cousins they may be. I consider myself as having been largely saved from racially-motivated death in exile at the hands of Mandelasque Xhosa racists pro-Eastern Cape… saved by my relatives via information given to me as a child by my father. And as I write this it pains me to state that my maternal cousin, Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa and a high-ranking member of our beloved organization ANC that Jacob Zuma currently misleads through blind loyalty towards Mandela’s Eastern-Cape Tribe WOULD LIKE TO SEE ME AND TALK TO ME BUT I AM TOO AFRAID TO PHONE MY SENIOR COUSIN OR ELSE ZUMA'S SPOOKS MONITOR THE CONVERSATION WHERE I MEET WITH THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATE WHO IS MY COUSIN, KILL THE PRELATE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE PHIRI KILLED HIS OWN COUSIN? Please as you read this do know that I and my second wife and our only daughter live an extremely mentally painful life of hiding from Zuma and his gods and goddesses who are Mandela’s relatives or Mandela’s fellow Eastern-Cape Xhosa-Language-speakers! And I hope my Cousin Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa who I perceive for a voracious reader will too read this post and understand why I am not phoning him for a meeting even if we are going to talk family issues. I know how dirty Jacob Zuma in worship of Mandela has been in exile; and the same Zuma has amply shown me how much prepared he is prepared to follow the same route as State President of South Africa; and I will not take chances with the life of mine or that of my cousin, Father Mkhatshwa. There are videos galore made of family gatherings where I and Mkhatshwa met. I know he is a loving man with a lot compunction for me and other relatives; but I am not sure he has the intelligence eye that I have not to be put into a fatal trap while he innocently liaise with a younger cousin Phiri!
Benson Mandindi (worked hand in glove with Romero Mofokeng, a spouse to a Xhosa-speaking Pearl Mofokeng, to tear up UNHCR paperwork meant for repatriation of Phiri’s Tanzanian-born wife, and giving her instead the equivalent of R400 to leave Dar es-Salaam where she was supposed per UN orders to fly to South Africa, and she was contrariwise ordered by the racists to go to her parents in Iringa from Nelson Mandela’s 1994 rule complete with a sham Truth and Reconciliation Commission to this day 2012 October 1 and counting. Indeed, Xhosa-speaking Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu and Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission clearly found nothing wrong in the activities of his fellow-Xhosa-speaker Monezi Gcilitshe and the others because to this day Zuma’s office when approached to give me clarity PLAINLY AND AGAINST THE LAW REFUSES TO TELL ME THE OUTCOME OF MY COMPLAINT TO TUTU’S TRC while my children and first wife still wallow in pain and privation in Tanzania 18 days down the line of so-called Nelson Mandela’s Freedom in South Africa.) Benson Mandindi was later to die in the streets of Pretoria from bullets of a berserk SANDF corporal who reportedly accused the deceased of having airs now that he was a top-ranking National Intelligence General
Monezi Gcilitshe (worked hand in glove with Romero Mofokeng, a spouse to a Xhosa-speaking Pearl Mofokeng, to tear up UNHCR paperwork meant for repatriation of Phiri’s Tanzanian-born wife, and giving her instead the equivalent of R400 to leave Dar es-Salaam where she was supposed per UN orders to fly to South Africa, and she was contrariwise ordered by the racists to go to her parents in Iringa from Nelson Mandela’s 1994 rule complete with a sham Truth and Reconciliation Commission to this day 2012 October 1 and counting. Indeed, Xhosa-speaking Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu and Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission clearly found nothing wrong in the activities of his fellow-Xhosa-speaker Monezi Gcilitshe and the others because to this day Zuma’s office when approached to give me clarity PLAINLY AND AGAINST THE LAW REFUSES TO TELL ME THE OUTCOME OF MY COMPLAINT TO TUTU’S TRC while my children and first wife still wallow in pain and privation in Tanzania 18 days down the line of so-called Nelson Mandela’s Freedom in South Africa.)
Sipho Patrick Matolweni b. Sunday 3 April 1955 also known as “Sputla” (SANDF member who confabulated with SANDF’s Eddie Drost to falsely charge me 2001 from ire of Phiri blowing the whistle Thembuwoman Zini-Bobelo who was working her generalcy of the SANDF through corruption). In exile, Sputla worked very closely with other fellow-Xhosa speakers one of whom is correctly or incorrectly reported to have died of AIDS as an SANDF colonel. That one is the late Colonel Mpazamo Yonana who in his lifetime tried his best to look like a non-racist-pro-Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribalism. In fact I have written a whole blog post in about Yonana and your can read it online; but it pains me to hear that Yonana nearly gave his if-HIV-virus to my Tanzanian wife had she been amenable to his advances. For sure, Yonana, Romero Mofokeng, and even one-time APLA Commander Enock Zulu when he was around Dar es-Salaam and Goodman Manyanya Phiri LIVED UNDER THE SAME ROOF UNDER WHICH POTS BOILED AS SUPERVISED BY MRS PHIRI LEONILDE MAKAFU WHO ALSO WORKED FOR THE PAC. I hate to think that my wife's UNHCR repatriation papers to South Africa were torn by the Mofokengs, Gcilitshes, and Mandindis just because of her refusal to give extra-marital sex to Yonana whom I had previously liked as a non-racist Xhosa speaker!
Enoch Muiseng Mashoala born Thursday 12 November 1959 also known as “Sebata” (Confabulated with Eddie Drost to falsely charge me 2001 from ire of Phiri blowing the whistle Thembuwoman Zini-Bobelo who was working her generalcy of the SANDF through corruption. He was the inspector general who, after 30 days of investigation of the Eddie-Drost-Army-College-of-Fornication-for-Promotion and black racism pro-Mandela’s Eastern Cape where Mashoala himself is reliably said to have been born prior to leaving for Free State Province and then Gauteng-Soweto, and after realizing that his fellow-regionalist Woman Zini-Bobelo had indeed caused the College racial fracas, COLLABORATED WITH EDDIE DROST TO FALSELY CHARGE WHISTLEBLOWER PHIRI AND TO HIDE TILL THIS DAY THE REPORT HE PRODUCED AFTER THAT FEBRUARY TO MARCH INVESTIGATION OF THE COLLEGE DESPITE AN EXPLETE ORDER BY JUDGE CLAASSEN THAT SUCH REPORT MUST BE GIVEN TO PHIRI. There is a document that Mashoala produced in the place of the report order by Judge Claassen… I have it online here… but the said unsigned document called Decision Brief, points to the existence of the real report that they were supposed to give me as per the Claassen Order. Indeed, Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists are in contempt of court and I am court the assistance currently of the Constitutional Court in order to get that Report. Very hard to use the law on Mandela’s students of racial superiority, I say! Small wonder an entire Official Opposition Party of the Republic of South Africa is struggling to get a simple Spy Tapes Copy that Got Mandela’s Protégé Zuma out of Court!!!!)
Norman Yengeni, born Wednesday 1 October 1958 (He worked hand in hand with Temba Templeton Matanzima to waylay me and give me a false story regarding the subsequent raid by Macanda-commanded un-uniformed SANDF military police to both my home and my office. His cover story was that the imminent meeting with what was to him unknown men was to end the 11-year impasse that has visited Eddie Drost’s racially-motivated charges against Phiri back in March 2001. Norman Yengeni is of course my newest commander where I work…the previous one or two was yet another Xhosa-speaker Alfred Mlandeli Kula of the Ciskei coups and counter coups involving the likes of Brigadier General Guzana the late etc…although mostly it seems Yengeni does not have a clue what he is doing as new head of Army Intelligence per decisions of Jacob Zuma. There are even reports on-line that Yengeni did not pass one of his prerequisite studies to enable him to be a full colonel, let alone be a general. It would seem he committed fraud in order to pass, and was subsequently charged, albeit the charges were caused to disappear one way or the other since ‘Mandela’s Xhosas shall rule South Africa and Zuma our boy as us Xhosas knows it since we gave him the spy tapes to save him from jail’). I have done a video in the Zulu Language about the involvement of Yengeni in trying to pull wool over my eyes while his racial brother Matanzima and Macanda were preparing the illegal raid of both my home and my office. In exile Yengeni worked very closely with his fellow-Eastern-Cape regionalist Stanley Mabizela who is on this list.
Temba Templeton Matanzima born Monday 2 February 1953 (SANDF Commander ranked lieutenant general who took the order from Jacob Zuma that Phiri must be persecuted further for having in 2001 blown the whistle against the corruption Mandela Cousin Zini-Bobelo who has since been promoted all the way from a major when she committed the corruption, to a Brigadier General per my last count, despite Zuma knowing about her unlawful promotion in the face of clear-cut corruption for that promotion.)
Mzophethe Macanda (Illegally stripped 6 military police officer of SANDF uniform, a legal prerequisite when SANDF members are on any official duty, made them wear mufti or civilian dress to raid my residence in Lyttelton, Pretoria. This is what makes me conclude Macanda tried to kill me; and I would have been killed if I was found home and nobody would know the killers since they were not uniformed as per law of South Africa. And when Macanda’s heavily armed men failed to find me home, they for my wide-eyed good-Samaritan white neighbours invented the story they were there to grab my computers ‘with which I blog’ as per an Anton Piller order. But that could not have been true since the Anton Piller against Phiri had been pleaded for by a whole South African Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs before Judge George Webster of Gauteng North, and the Honourable Judge REFUSED SUCH ANTON PILLER! Surely, then, there must have been another reason for coming to my residence: “SORRY, WE HAD TO FATALLY SHOOT PHIRI BECAUSE HE PULLED OUT A GUN AGAINST US” or some other drivel, but problem solved and no more blogging about South Africa’s black racism pro-Nelson Mandela ravaging this country alongside Jacob Zuma!)
Because of these individuals who have hurt me so much over the years, I am not going to broad-brush and hate all Xhosa-speaking. I know that when one day my trouble gets over, it will be a Xhosa-speaking person who will drive my pain away. Nor do I paint with the same brush all AbaThembu People or their royalty; all I am doing with my blog is to paint a picture of the racial vitriol that motivates the above mentioned individuals and others. And I need South Africa to understand these people and HELP them, BECAUSE A RACIST IS IN FACT MENTALLY SICK PERSON WHO LIVES HIS OR HER LIFE IN UNFOUNDED FEAR OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. AND IF WE DO NOT EXPOSE THESE CHARACTERS AND THEIR SICKNESS, THEY WILL CONTINUE TO RUIN SOUTH AFRICA EVEN FURTHER, ESPECIALLY ONCE WHEN THEY HAVE SUCCEEDED TO INDOCTRINATE A HEARTLESS MAN LIKE POWERFUL JACOB ZUMA WITH THE BELIEF OF THEIR TRIBAL OR RACIAL SUPERIORITY PRO-MANDELA’S PEOPLE!
Just by the way, Mr. Zuma
By the way, Mr. Zuma, the home of the ANC is not, HAS NEVER BEEN, in the Eastern Cape. The ANC is at home in every corner of South Africa.
By the way, Mr. Zuma, Nelson Mandela is not, HAS NEVER BEEN ‘The Father of the Nation’. That consensus has never been toyed with, let alone to be reached. Why do we need a Father in the first place when we have the national constitution to guide us? Or is it because you, Mr. Zuma, have no respect for the Constitution and you would rather respect an individual (Mandela) who, himself is subject to the national constitution?
Now, the senses of verve and frenzy in the search for the most effective fire-extinguisher in the face of the ongoing economic conflagration engulfing South Africa are of course the most noble and intensely patriotic of concerns!
O no one in his or her right mind can say that we as South Africans can now do anything except to work together for solutions like we have never done before.
Some hotheads will suggest the removal of Jacob Zuma Gedleyihlekisa from the helm of ANC leadership will suffice.
I beg to differ!
What if Khalema Motlanthe, like Jacob Zuma, has been contaminated with Mandelamania?
What if Julius Malema, the one of whom we are told should be ANC President by 2022 is equally contaminated?
So to start pontificating the removal of Jacob Zuma from the helm as South Africa’s panacea is for Phiri and Blogger a naiveté nonpareil since Jacob Zuma is a product of ideas of his predecessors, particularly ideas of his mentor, Mr. Nelson Mandela whom both Motlanthe and Malema has not on one single day found to be at fault!
That having been said, it is the ideas and myths spread around by a 1918-born Mr Nelson Mandela that gave us a Jacob Zuma of 2012. As a result, ignoring the Mandelasque embers that ignited the current 2012 fire in the first place will be the most dangerous and illogical thing to do!
I mean, how dare the sane amongst us and you ignore the Mandela element in the current 2012-Zumaniacal-problem despite candescent Mandela lies as put in his autobiographical ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ to the effect that [the ANC Youth League founding was an idea of one Lionel Majombozi, a medical doctor who was in all probabilities like Mandela, Xhosa-speaking?].
We know of course from even the most cursory of history reading and research that, nothing can be further from the truth of Mandela’s autobiographical pretensions since (we know from our own ground work particularly with a child of ANC Fonder Dr Pixley Seme) that the very man (Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme) whose brainwave it had been to found the ANC back in 1912, was the same man who also had the brain wave of founding an ANC Youth League.
This comes out very clearly from the interview with a person who was there when Dr Seme gave Firebrand Julius Malema (Sello) of the 1940s the instruction:
“[You must go out there and establish a youth league for the ANC, you hear me, Boy?]”
Of course that Julius Malema succeeded in fulfilling that mission all with Nelson Mandela and some few other Xhosa-speaking-Eastern-Capers trailing behind him.
However, (and the most salient point of this narration and blog post), there was no Medical Doctor Mr Lionel Majombozi lingering anywhere around in that group of largely-Mandela-championed-Xhosa-speakers led by Pedi-speaking Julius Malema who in the 1940s set forth to confront ‘ANC President Zuma Xhosa-worshipping’… ‘ANC President Xuma Xhosa-speaking’… slip of my keyboard, sorry!
For starters, Mr Nelson Mandela confesses in his autobiography that the young man Malema was so dynamic they as Eastern Capers and everybody else took it for granted he was going to end not only as the President of the newly-founded ANC Youth League, but he would end up being the President of the mother body (ANC proper) one day soon.
No sooner was that realization made by the Mandelas in those 1940s than they charged Julius Malema for ‘Money Laundering’…
…..Sorry again: They did not charge him!
Rather they poisoned him to death!
A state-sponsored assassination, and (for that matter) fatal poisoning that, to this day (and long after the demise of Apartheid and other forms of forms European colonial domination) remains a state secret!
The question still begs: Who, Mr Know-All Mandela, cut short in those 1940s the life of that very erudite first ANC Youth League President, and “Pedi-speaking Julius Malema” who was known in those days as Zulu-speaking “Anton Mzwakhe Lembede”?
The question still stands for answering by you, The-Mr-Nelson-Mandela-Who-Claims-To-Be-South-Africa-Arch-Liberator-And-The-First-Native-African-Lawyer-To-Open-With-Fellow-Xhosa-Speaking-Oliver-Tambo-A-Practice-In-Johannesburg....
"Who, in those 1940s, snuffed out the scholarly life of that first ANC Youth League President named Zulu-speaking Mr Anton Mzwakhe Lembede who, in fact (and contrary to Mandelasque lies in so-called 'Long Walk To Freedom', after legal eagles like Seme, Mangena and Montsioa) probably ranks as Johannesburg's First Native African LAWYER?"
The question still prods: Who, Mr Mandela, 'removed from society' in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the LINGUIST?
The question still stands: Who assassinated in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the ACTIVIST, leaving Nelson Mandela; leaving some members of Mandela's extended family; leaving even some members of Mandela's own AbaThembu Tribe; albeit leaving to that extent even some members of Mandela's fellow-Xhosa-speakers; and verily leaving even some members of Mandela's fellow ex-Eastern-Cape-born individuals doing a Long Walk To Freedom emblazoned now as a Mandela Lone Walk to Freedom and something Phiri would characterize as a Wrong Walk To Freedom with one too many Xhosa-speaker destroying under Jacob Zuma the sustainabillity of the Republic of South Africa By Means of Promostion To High Office Through Fraud?
The question still stands: Who, Mr Mandela assassinated in those 1940s that first ANC Youth League President, Anton Mzwakhe Lembede the EDUCATIONIST ipso facto leaving us with a Nelson Mandela who, through his autobiographical “Long Walk to Freedom” not only derides Lembede and Dr Pixley Seme’s higher education but goes further to promote a hitherto illiterate Zulu-speaking Jacob Zuma for high positions in exile where the latter was to the broad liberation movement and the erstwhile struggling masses of South Africa proffered as a so-called Zulu-speaking ANC Chief Intellegence Officer for the ANC under Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo in exile which Zulu-speaker was a man wont to signing off as kosher the wanton murder or non-Xhosa-speakers who were opposed to Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribalism in ANC’S exile?
Contrary to Jacob Zuma's (and Mentor Nelson Mandela's nonsense a la autobiographical 'Long Walk to Freedom' ) to the claim that ‘the idea of ANC Youth League's founding in the 1940s had come from Mandela's apparent fellow-Xhosa-speaker (one Lionel Majombozi and a medical doctor), ON THIS VIDEO, Her Royal Highness Helen Seme-Damba who is a great-grand-daughter of Zulu King Cetshwayo Zulu and the The Very One of His Zulu Majesties Who Militarily Humiliated The Colonial British Invaders Through The Battle of Isandlwana (she is also the daughter to ANC Founder Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme in 1912), MAKES IT CLEAR (if not a mere refutation of Mandela’s fallacious and at the expense, ABUSIVE, Xhosa tribalism at the expense of non-Xhosa-speaker, black-racism at the expense of lighter-skinned South Africans and xenophobia at the expense of non-South African Nationals), in the Zulu Language spoken in South Africa, THAT THE IDEA OF FORMING THE ANC Youth League-ANCYL NEVER CAME FROM NELSON MANDELA'S ANY FELLOW-XHOSA-SPEAKER THE FICTITIOUS DR LIONEL MAJOMBOZI (WHICH FABRICATION IS IS OF COURSE ONE OF THE BOLTS OF PRESENT SOUTH-AFRICA'S MANDELASQUE BLACK RACISM PRO-MANDELA'S TRIBE, BUT THE DIA CAME FROM 1912 ANC FOUNDER HIMSELF DR PIXLEY SEME ALL OF WHICH REDUDCES NELSON MANDELA TO A GOOD LIAR! Put simply, Mandela lied his way to world prominence while dragging along behind him his tribe from the Eastern Cape all a precursor to all the rot that is going on in South Africa’s 2012 under Mandela’s own protégé, Zulu speaking nit-wit Jacob Zuma! Mandela’s lies even engendered all the lies and fraud (maybe merely alleged) of his own fellow-Xhosa-speakers who, like Alfred Mlandeli Kula and Norman Yengeni, and both of them my supervisors who from junior ranks became SANDF generals through copying their examinations in the Eddie Drost Fornication for Promotion College of the SANDF under Jacob Zuma and Xhosa-speaking Mandelasque masters.
History is clear: from that day of Lembede’s assassination, Mandela and other ex-Eastern-Capers like Oliver Tambo and you name them (for the 1st time ever albeit belatedly in comparison to Year 1912 of ANC founding by ethnicities like Zulu, Pedi, Tswana and Sotho) FLOODED both the ANC Youth League and of course as time went on, the ANC proper. It is the same day when Mandelasque tribal lies started e.g. [The 1st office of lawyers by black lawyers in Johannesburg was that of Xhosa-speaking Nelson Mandela and Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo]--- a blue lie in “Long Walk to Freedom” when you consider that both ANC Founder Dr Pixley ka Isaka Seme and Youth League Founding President Anton Lembede had their legal offices a stone’s throw from what is today Luthuli House and capital of South Africa’s ruling African National Congress: the heart of Johannesburg! Even Mandela’s teething into law was guided by thankless Nelson Mandela especially if you can follow the Zulu Language enunciated here by the only surviving child of about 5 children of Seme’s, Her Royal Highness Helen Damba:
Some two to three decades later, another prominent Zulu-speaking ANC heavyweight was assassinated in order to make more room for Mandela’s fellow-Xhosa speakers. That second assassination was of course that of Zulu-speaking ANC President Inkosi Albert Luthuli.
Who in nieu-colonialist South Africa can guess…? …to this day of Jacob Zuma’s 2012 presidency, (just like during Apartheid) the assassination of ANC President Luthuli is for Jacob Zuma STILL A STATE SECRET!
Of course, that particular assassination is what made Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo to become President of the ANC ad nauseum! Not only that, but the unfortunate-and-hitherto-unexplained-death-of Albert Luthuli; and the field was thrown wide open for systematic and methodical assassination and persecution of scores of promising ANC cadres in exile.
Indeed, under wraps of exile secrecy, ethnic dismemberment of the ANC pro-Mandela’s fellow Xhosa-speakers and non-speakers born in the Eastern-Cape now happened: assassinations, burying alive, starving, torture, rape, you name them all. So impudent and contemptuous to law were the racists (e.g., Xhosa-speaking Monezi Gcilitshe, Xhosa-speaking Benson Mandindi) and their sycophants (Zulu-speaking Jacob Zuma and Sotho-speaking Romero Mofokeng) they saw nothing in tearing up documents and passports issued by the United Nations for the repatriation of non-Xhosa-speaking Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s family and banishing to Tanzania that family forever, with Phiri’s only solace 18 years down the line, being to see my exiled children as mere background picture to this blog! Of course, the doers of this crime were commanded in chief by Xhosa-speakers Party President Xhosa-speaking Clarence Makwetu for the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and for the ANC, Party President Xhosa-speaking Oliver Tambo, the very one who had been with Mandela in the forties when non-Xhosa-speakers were elbowed out of the ANC Youth League!
Of course, the cardinal sin you could commit against exile racists pro-Mandela’s Eastern Cape was to blow the whistle against their atrocities of exile. The other serious sin would be to be dynamic when you were non-Xhosa-speaker. (According to these black racists of South Africa who first hit the political scene in the 1940s “brilliance can only be equated to Xhosa-speaking”, and if you are bright without being a Xhosa-speaker “you are an enemy and you hate Xhosa-speakers and definitely you will be accordingly dealt with”.
These truths must be told now since we cannot have economic freedom in South Africa if our history itself is not free from the Mandela autobiographical lies which cement and justify this ongoing pro-Eastern-Cape racism in Jacob Zuma’s government and beforehand. If left unexposed and un-extirpated, such lies are bound to breed more Zuma-type and Mofokeng-type political sycophants pro-Mandelasque-tribalism. There will be more of them who, like Mr. Jacob Zuma, rise to power through the tribalism that says [‘South African ethnicities other than Mandela’s did nothing substantial in the history of the ANC and if an enterprising non-Xhosa-speaker must be tolerated, at least he must be one who was born in the Eastern Cape or one who married an Eastern-Cape spouse like SANDF Major General Daniel Mohato Mofokeng; otherwise of the other tribes only blockheads shall be promoted to prove our theory of Eastern-Cape mental superiority’].
From that tribal sycophancy in praise of ‘Eastern Cape Mental Superiority, The Home of the ANC and the Home of Father of the Nation Nelson Mandela’ (as Zuma surprisingly, ignorantly and frequently finds himself saying particularly after falsely claiming [‘Nelson Mandela’s cousin King Dalindyebo offered 50 cows, the biggest offering of all, during the founding of the ANC’ in ], it is easy to see how the self-same sycophants end up in bed with big capital, mowing down workers so mercilessly as a result.
Nelson Mandela’s narrow, skewed and incorrect ethnic ideology, together with his deliberate misrepresentation of the history of the great and heroic AmaXhosa People in “Long Walk to Freedom” must shoulder the mess going on in South Africa now under Zuma. It is a clear indictment and he started the embers of political untruthfulness, the embers that went into the economy in 2012, and an economy that is engulfed by the current conflagration.
Jacob Zuma Disabused of False Notions
By the way, the biggest material contributor to the founding of the ANC, Mr. Zuma and for your information, was Blogger Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s maternal first cousin, the Queenmother of Swaziland Labotsibeni whose contribution alone for the establishment of ANC mouthpiece Abantu/Batho went to 200 cattle. In the same breath, it is for Phiri doubtful if Nelson Mandela’s cousin, King Dalindyebo of the AbaThembu even was part in any way to the founding of the ANC 100 years ago; and this could be one of the Mandelasque historical fabrications similar to the fabrication-turned-propaganda and presented as historical fact ‘of a Lionel Majombozi who came up with the idea of the founding of the ANCYL).
Come on, Sirs and start thinking for yourselves: if King Dalindyebo did contribute those 50 head of cattle, why DOES Nelson Mandela (‘Long Walk to Freedom’) CONFESS TO PRACTICALLY KNOWING NOTHING ABOUT THE ANC UNTIL HE AS AN ADULT CAME TO JOHANNESBURG?
Think again: why would this Mandela confess to knowing nothing about the ANC when he claims his father, Thembuman Gadla Mandela ‘was not only a custodian of “Xhosa” history and practical prime minister of then AbaThembu King Dalindyebo who would take Mandela’s father along for any meeting or gathering?
Surely, before knowing about history of the AmaXhosa People he would know first about the history of his own AbaThembu People! Even if you argue pro- the Mandelasque fallacy that 'AbaThembu and AmaXhosa are one people', Gadla Mandela would logically still be a specialist first of his own Tembu subset before being a so-called-historical specialist of Superset Xhosa. And that is called pure, Sirs; hence your claims in your biographies do not gel!
Surely, Mandela’s father, [‘virtual Prime Minister to AbaThembu King Dalindyebo’] as Mandela himself claims, would have been there when His Majesty parted with the aforesaid 50 head of cattle in 1912 for the founding of the ANC!
Surely Mandela, who claims he was fond of listening to elders relate African history, would have heard about ‘this generous contribution of 50 cattle by King Dalindyebo for the founding of the ANC in 1912’!
Since there is no other Xhosa-speaking king of the Eastern-Cape (mind you as my reader that there are many other sovereign peoples of the Eastern Cape who, like the AbaThembu Nation, are not ethnically Xhosa and yet natively speak isiXhosa because of the doings of Apartheid and previous settler colonial regimes in South Africa) touted to have, like King Dalindyebo and Mandela’s cousin, given the ANC cattle for its founding, A VERY DRAMATIC PICTURE JUMPS OUT FOR YOU FROM THIS COMPUTER SCREEN IN AMOMENT.
Combine this Mandelasque claim with the sister one which falsely pontificates that ‘[Every Xhosa-speaker of the Eastern Cape is ethnic Xhosa by mere virtue of speaking the language]’ YOU SEE WHY ABATHEMBU INDIVIDUALS LIKE MANDELA ARE LEADING THE ONGOING RACISM AND TRIBALISM IN ZUMA'S ADMINISTRATION OF BOTH THE ANC AND THE COUNTRY, FORCING SELF-PROMOTION BY MEANS OF SELF-PROSTITUION IF NEED BE AND HIDING BEHIND THE GREAT NAME OF XHOSA. [‘Us AbaThembu are the smartest and most far-sighted of the whole ‘Xhosa Nation’ because of all the kings of the Eastern Cape, only AbaThembu King Dalindyebo appreciated the founding of the ANC, and so it is the duty of EVERY Xhosa SPEAKER to defend AbaThembu individuals like Mandela, his relatives and all AbaThembu in government employ of Zumas because us AbaThembu created the ANC for all of your other Xhosa speakers.’
This explains why practically all Goodman Manyanya Phiri’s persecutors for the past 27 years (since 1985 when Comrade Chris Hani sent me to Tanzania with the ANC, to 1994 when PAC individuals started a torment against me, to 2001 when false charges were engineered against me, to 2002 when scurrilous lies were given to the mass media about me, to 2011 when six heavily armed were sent to my residence in Lyttelton Pretoria to raid or kill me) ARE XHOSA-SPEAKERS OR PEOPLE BORN IN THE EASTERN CAPE.
Here is a quick but by-no-means-exhaustive list of them:
Moreti Johannes Motau born Tuesday 10 March 1953, also known as “Mojo” (The commander of ANC Camp of Dakawa in the 1980s. There is a video I have done about him; but he is also the one who commanded the SANDF Division that, much against the law, took a confidential letter I had written to President Mbeki RE imperfections so crass in Motau’s Intelligence Division that they caused the otherwise plainly-preventable death and mayhem unleashed by the Boeremag in South Africa back in 2002)
Stanley Mabizela (He would coordinate all the racist filth pro-Eastern Cape superiority for the Tanzanian region of the ANC presence in Africa. The late Mabizela has been known to allow hooligans to grab you from his office in Dar es-Salaam which was a stone’s throw from where I lived at Mwananchi Building with the likes of Romero Mofokeng… grab you per assistance of his hooligans when you come knocking at his office door in need his assistance from persecution in the camps, which ruffians would then drive you off pinioned and you would never again be heard from. Mabizela is the one who caused Phiri to leave Dakawa in 1987 and return to mother party, the PAC, after a spine-chilling warning to stop blowing the whistle on systematic rapes of recruits by ruffians on a Dakawa camp that had hitherto been run Mojo Motau and some wife of yet another ex-Eastern-Cape-fellow, and one of those accused in sworn affidavits by the allegedly raped female comrades, was a Xhosa-speaking fellow called ‘Sydwell’ who was also an intelligence officer for the Mojo-Motau. Eastern-Cape-born Stanley Mabizela tore to pieces all those affidavits handed to him for complaints about the rapes; but during the same blood-curdling diatribe of his in Dakawa, Mabizela on-the-spot stripped ANC membership from Zulu-speaking Comrade Cecil Nduli of Durban, from a Xhosa-speaking comrade of Mpondo ethnicity who went by the pseudonym “Professor” and a few others for the crime of encouraging the female victims of rape…all of those women were Zulu-speaking…). It was not many days after Mabizela’s warning to Phiri that “[the Intelligence will deal with you if you continue taking affidavits of the women]”, than false charges were levelled against me and I was given a summary sentence to go to a bush and dig a grave-sized hole in the ground, which order was given by one Jackson Dira. I was ready for the grave from the days I joined the freedom struggle in 1976, but I was not ready to dig my own grave: not after the shocking news that Xhosa-speaking Robert Mance of Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College had just buried alive two Coloured Comrades (whom I had seen), per signature of Jacob Zuma! And so I left the Morogoro ANC Dakawa Camp for Dar es Salaam! I have it on good authority that Stanley Mabizela is long deceased, but I cannot vouch for the hearsay that so too is Jackson Dira who is said to have been fed the lethal poison by his own mother. And if true, it would sound to me that evil men die evil deaths too! Or check for the type of death black-racist-pro-Eastern-Cape Benson Mandindi died! In any case, when I had decided to leave the ANC for my Dar es-Salaam and the PAC, I wanted to do it lawfully; and so I planned to go to ANC Chief Representative Mabizela’s office to get paperwork that would divorce me with the ANC, at least the exiled branch thereof; but that is when I got the forewarning I would not come back home if I went to that office, and stories poured in from ANC comrades how Mabizela, pretty much like his protégé Norman Yengeni on this list, would fool you towards some arrangement only to find that you are going to end up in some unknown grave in Tanzania. The PAC could not help me either because it would have looked like they were ‘poaching an ANC member’. The dilemma made me remember two pictures as a child my father kept in the living room. They were pictures of my eldest sibling, my half-sister Mrs Mary-Ann Tiezghe Gondwe now resident in Mkeka, Lusaka, a stone’s throw from the Army Barracks there and I have a picture of my sister somewhere here online. The other picture was that of my uncle or my father’s youngest brother whom Father had always said is in Tanzania. I also remembered about relatives whom I had met around Year 1982 and so I started writing letters to Zambia as well as Malawi trying to trace my eldest sister in Zambia and ask for the whereabouts in Tanzania of my uncle, and do a similar inquiry with Malawi. I was fortunate to discover my uncle write in Dar es-Salaam Ubungo in about 3 weeks thereafter and I went with him this town round to Mandelasque Xhosa racist Stanley Mabizela to demand my paperwork that would clear me to return to my mother organization, the PAC. And Mabizela pretended he was happy to see I had an uncle who is Tanzanian and said to come the following day to have my clearance papers which I never got the following day and the next and the next. And when I reported this false promise to the PAC (then led by Swazi- or Shangaan-speaking Johnson Mlambo) the PAC decided to take me back in come what may. Mabizela never challenged my return to the PAC and I was working freely as broadcast journalist for the Voice of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania and its military wing The Azanian People’s Liberation Army named ‘Mordecai King’. I have a number of videos online I have done of my Tanzanian uncle’s children and grandchildren: sad they are in Kiswahili, but soon you may have them under this paragraph if you happen to understand the language. But I think the childhood experience I got from my father keeping photos of both my eldest sister Mary-Ann as well as Uncle Kingwill Moses Phiri in Zambia and Tanzania respectively, taught me a great deal about valuing relatives however distant of cousins they may be. I consider myself as having been largely saved from racially-motivated death in exile at the hands of Mandelasque Xhosa racists pro-Eastern Cape… saved by my relatives via information given to me as a child by my father. And as I write this it pains me to state that my maternal cousin, Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa and a high-ranking member of our beloved organization ANC that Jacob Zuma currently misleads through blind loyalty towards Mandela’s Eastern-Cape Tribe WOULD LIKE TO SEE ME AND TALK TO ME BUT I AM TOO AFRAID TO PHONE MY SENIOR COUSIN OR ELSE ZUMA'S SPOOKS MONITOR THE CONVERSATION WHERE I MEET WITH THE ROMAN CATHOLIC PRELATE WHO IS MY COUSIN, KILL THE PRELATE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE PHIRI KILLED HIS OWN COUSIN? Please as you read this do know that I and my second wife and our only daughter live an extremely mentally painful life of hiding from Zuma and his gods and goddesses who are Mandela’s relatives or Mandela’s fellow Eastern-Cape Xhosa-Language-speakers! And I hope my Cousin Father Smangaliso Mkhatshwa who I perceive for a voracious reader will too read this post and understand why I am not phoning him for a meeting even if we are going to talk family issues. I know how dirty Jacob Zuma in worship of Mandela has been in exile; and the same Zuma has amply shown me how much prepared he is prepared to follow the same route as State President of South Africa; and I will not take chances with the life of mine or that of my cousin, Father Mkhatshwa. There are videos galore made of family gatherings where I and Mkhatshwa met. I know he is a loving man with a lot compunction for me and other relatives; but I am not sure he has the intelligence eye that I have not to be put into a fatal trap while he innocently liaise with a younger cousin Phiri!
Benson Mandindi (worked hand in glove with Romero Mofokeng, a spouse to a Xhosa-speaking Pearl Mofokeng, to tear up UNHCR paperwork meant for repatriation of Phiri’s Tanzanian-born wife, and giving her instead the equivalent of R400 to leave Dar es-Salaam where she was supposed per UN orders to fly to South Africa, and she was contrariwise ordered by the racists to go to her parents in Iringa from Nelson Mandela’s 1994 rule complete with a sham Truth and Reconciliation Commission to this day 2012 October 1 and counting. Indeed, Xhosa-speaking Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu and Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission clearly found nothing wrong in the activities of his fellow-Xhosa-speaker Monezi Gcilitshe and the others because to this day Zuma’s office when approached to give me clarity PLAINLY AND AGAINST THE LAW REFUSES TO TELL ME THE OUTCOME OF MY COMPLAINT TO TUTU’S TRC while my children and first wife still wallow in pain and privation in Tanzania 18 days down the line of so-called Nelson Mandela’s Freedom in South Africa.) Benson Mandindi was later to die in the streets of Pretoria from bullets of a berserk SANDF corporal who reportedly accused the deceased of having airs now that he was a top-ranking National Intelligence General
Monezi Gcilitshe (worked hand in glove with Romero Mofokeng, a spouse to a Xhosa-speaking Pearl Mofokeng, to tear up UNHCR paperwork meant for repatriation of Phiri’s Tanzanian-born wife, and giving her instead the equivalent of R400 to leave Dar es-Salaam where she was supposed per UN orders to fly to South Africa, and she was contrariwise ordered by the racists to go to her parents in Iringa from Nelson Mandela’s 1994 rule complete with a sham Truth and Reconciliation Commission to this day 2012 October 1 and counting. Indeed, Xhosa-speaking Arch-Bishop Desmond Tutu and Chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission clearly found nothing wrong in the activities of his fellow-Xhosa-speaker Monezi Gcilitshe and the others because to this day Zuma’s office when approached to give me clarity PLAINLY AND AGAINST THE LAW REFUSES TO TELL ME THE OUTCOME OF MY COMPLAINT TO TUTU’S TRC while my children and first wife still wallow in pain and privation in Tanzania 18 days down the line of so-called Nelson Mandela’s Freedom in South Africa.)
Sipho Patrick Matolweni b. Sunday 3 April 1955 also known as “Sputla” (SANDF member who confabulated with SANDF’s Eddie Drost to falsely charge me 2001 from ire of Phiri blowing the whistle Thembuwoman Zini-Bobelo who was working her generalcy of the SANDF through corruption). In exile, Sputla worked very closely with other fellow-Xhosa speakers one of whom is correctly or incorrectly reported to have died of AIDS as an SANDF colonel. That one is the late Colonel Mpazamo Yonana who in his lifetime tried his best to look like a non-racist-pro-Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribalism. In fact I have written a whole blog post in about Yonana and your can read it online; but it pains me to hear that Yonana nearly gave his if-HIV-virus to my Tanzanian wife had she been amenable to his advances. For sure, Yonana, Romero Mofokeng, and even one-time APLA Commander Enock Zulu when he was around Dar es-Salaam and Goodman Manyanya Phiri LIVED UNDER THE SAME ROOF UNDER WHICH POTS BOILED AS SUPERVISED BY MRS PHIRI LEONILDE MAKAFU WHO ALSO WORKED FOR THE PAC. I hate to think that my wife's UNHCR repatriation papers to South Africa were torn by the Mofokengs, Gcilitshes, and Mandindis just because of her refusal to give extra-marital sex to Yonana whom I had previously liked as a non-racist Xhosa speaker!
Enoch Muiseng Mashoala born Thursday 12 November 1959 also known as “Sebata” (Confabulated with Eddie Drost to falsely charge me 2001 from ire of Phiri blowing the whistle Thembuwoman Zini-Bobelo who was working her generalcy of the SANDF through corruption. He was the inspector general who, after 30 days of investigation of the Eddie-Drost-Army-College-of-Fornication-for-Promotion and black racism pro-Mandela’s Eastern Cape where Mashoala himself is reliably said to have been born prior to leaving for Free State Province and then Gauteng-Soweto, and after realizing that his fellow-regionalist Woman Zini-Bobelo had indeed caused the College racial fracas, COLLABORATED WITH EDDIE DROST TO FALSELY CHARGE WHISTLEBLOWER PHIRI AND TO HIDE TILL THIS DAY THE REPORT HE PRODUCED AFTER THAT FEBRUARY TO MARCH INVESTIGATION OF THE COLLEGE DESPITE AN EXPLETE ORDER BY JUDGE CLAASSEN THAT SUCH REPORT MUST BE GIVEN TO PHIRI. There is a document that Mashoala produced in the place of the report order by Judge Claassen… I have it online here… but the said unsigned document called Decision Brief, points to the existence of the real report that they were supposed to give me as per the Claassen Order. Indeed, Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists are in contempt of court and I am court the assistance currently of the Constitutional Court in order to get that Report. Very hard to use the law on Mandela’s students of racial superiority, I say! Small wonder an entire Official Opposition Party of the Republic of South Africa is struggling to get a simple Spy Tapes Copy that Got Mandela’s Protégé Zuma out of Court!!!!)
Norman Yengeni, born Wednesday 1 October 1958 (He worked hand in hand with Temba Templeton Matanzima to waylay me and give me a false story regarding the subsequent raid by Macanda-commanded un-uniformed SANDF military police to both my home and my office. His cover story was that the imminent meeting with what was to him unknown men was to end the 11-year impasse that has visited Eddie Drost’s racially-motivated charges against Phiri back in March 2001. Norman Yengeni is of course my newest commander where I work…the previous one or two was yet another Xhosa-speaker Alfred Mlandeli Kula of the Ciskei coups and counter coups involving the likes of Brigadier General Guzana the late etc…although mostly it seems Yengeni does not have a clue what he is doing as new head of Army Intelligence per decisions of Jacob Zuma. There are even reports on-line that Yengeni did not pass one of his prerequisite studies to enable him to be a full colonel, let alone be a general. It would seem he committed fraud in order to pass, and was subsequently charged, albeit the charges were caused to disappear one way or the other since ‘Mandela’s Xhosas shall rule South Africa and Zuma our boy as us Xhosas knows it since we gave him the spy tapes to save him from jail’). I have done a video in the Zulu Language about the involvement of Yengeni in trying to pull wool over my eyes while his racial brother Matanzima and Macanda were preparing the illegal raid of both my home and my office. In exile Yengeni worked very closely with his fellow-Eastern-Cape regionalist Stanley Mabizela who is on this list.
Temba Templeton Matanzima born Monday 2 February 1953 (SANDF Commander ranked lieutenant general who took the order from Jacob Zuma that Phiri must be persecuted further for having in 2001 blown the whistle against the corruption Mandela Cousin Zini-Bobelo who has since been promoted all the way from a major when she committed the corruption, to a Brigadier General per my last count, despite Zuma knowing about her unlawful promotion in the face of clear-cut corruption for that promotion.)
Mzophethe Macanda (Illegally stripped 6 military police officer of SANDF uniform, a legal prerequisite when SANDF members are on any official duty, made them wear mufti or civilian dress to raid my residence in Lyttelton, Pretoria. This is what makes me conclude Macanda tried to kill me; and I would have been killed if I was found home and nobody would know the killers since they were not uniformed as per law of South Africa. And when Macanda’s heavily armed men failed to find me home, they for my wide-eyed good-Samaritan white neighbours invented the story they were there to grab my computers ‘with which I blog’ as per an Anton Piller order. But that could not have been true since the Anton Piller against Phiri had been pleaded for by a whole South African Minister of Defence and Veterans Affairs before Judge George Webster of Gauteng North, and the Honourable Judge REFUSED SUCH ANTON PILLER! Surely, then, there must have been another reason for coming to my residence: “SORRY, WE HAD TO FATALLY SHOOT PHIRI BECAUSE HE PULLED OUT A GUN AGAINST US” or some other drivel, but problem solved and no more blogging about South Africa’s black racism pro-Nelson Mandela ravaging this country alongside Jacob Zuma!)
Because of these individuals who have hurt me so much over the years, I am not going to broad-brush and hate all Xhosa-speaking. I know that when one day my trouble gets over, it will be a Xhosa-speaking person who will drive my pain away. Nor do I paint with the same brush all AbaThembu People or their royalty; all I am doing with my blog is to paint a picture of the racial vitriol that motivates the above mentioned individuals and others. And I need South Africa to understand these people and HELP them, BECAUSE A RACIST IS IN FACT MENTALLY SICK PERSON WHO LIVES HIS OR HER LIFE IN UNFOUNDED FEAR OF OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. AND IF WE DO NOT EXPOSE THESE CHARACTERS AND THEIR SICKNESS, THEY WILL CONTINUE TO RUIN SOUTH AFRICA EVEN FURTHER, ESPECIALLY ONCE WHEN THEY HAVE SUCCEEDED TO INDOCTRINATE A HEARTLESS MAN LIKE POWERFUL JACOB ZUMA WITH THE BELIEF OF THEIR TRIBAL OR RACIAL SUPERIORITY PRO-MANDELA’S PEOPLE!
Just by the way, Mr. Zuma
By the way, Mr. Zuma, the home of the ANC is not, HAS NEVER BEEN, in the Eastern Cape. The ANC is at home in every corner of South Africa.
By the way, Mr. Zuma, Nelson Mandela is not, HAS NEVER BEEN ‘The Father of the Nation’. That consensus has never been toyed with, let alone to be reached. Why do we need a Father in the first place when we have the national constitution to guide us? Or is it because you, Mr. Zuma, have no respect for the Constitution and you would rather respect an individual (Mandela) who, himself is subject to the national constitution?
Pretty nice post. I just came across your blog and wanted to say that I’ve really liked reading your posts.