Today I am presenting you the identity of
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Princess S'bongile Nkosi's daughter (my maternal second cousin, Thab'sile) and me in 2006 (2006 Phtograph by Nozipho Magagula, Thab'sile's friend) |
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2009 Picture of Miss Thobile Matsebula of Pienaar, Nelspruit, Mpumalanga Province, RSA She is my second maternal second and after Thab'sile, Second daughter to Princess S'bongile Nkosi |
with Princess Sibongile Nkhosi
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Phiri Foe, Mr Jacob Zuma, making a chess move. (with his most powerful piece, The Queen, exposed so early!) At a political level, (and in order to blindly hero-worship Nelson Mandela) (with an overprotectiveness for Mandela's corrupt relative Zini-Bobelo) Does Zuma really know what he's doing trampling on descendants of Africa's holiest of ancient Kings and Queens? |
- Sibongile is my mother's maternal first cousin, the child of Swazi Prince Mtutu Nkosi ex Prince Sigeyeza Nkosi (Emjindini), ex-Prince Khenkana, ex-King Somhlolo (a.k.a. Sobuza I), a contemporary of Zulu King, His Majesty King Shaka Zulu, with whom they were in agreement for the first locally-bred idea to form a United States of Africa as early as the 19th Century.CONTACT EXPERIENCEIN PERSON
- I grew up with the princess (Sibongile), my maternal grandmother's niece.
- Indeed, I have vivid memories sleeping in the same bed as small children in our birthday suits.
- My mother, being the eldest-born girl from my grandmother, and also the first to get married, made it her duty that junior relatives of her mother's people (like Sibongile) found succour (where need arose) with the Phiri family, then resident on an Amsterdam farm by the name of Lion's Glen around the year 1968.
- The farm belonged to one Mr Jim Jacob, an ethnic Greek who was officially known as "Mr N.N. Jacob". Incidentally, Mr Jacob was the one settler who taught me at an early age about the need for armed struggle when he some time in 1965, when Father was gone to work, he came to our house pointing a fire-arm at my mother wrongly accusing her of stealing his firewood.
- It was an affront totally undeserved as my father had his own power chains that he used to cut his own firewood. But it later turned out that Mr Jacob was just another jealous "white" man who refused to see a "black" man succeed.
- When my father went to buy himself a brand-new Datsun Nissan bakkie for cash, Mr Jacob went green with envy and colluded with an Amsterdam bank manager to falsely accuse my father of "having stolen money from the Greek's farm".
- My father was subsequently taken at gunpoint by the Greek fellow from the farm and straight to the Armsterdam bank where, still at the risk of a bullet hole in the head, was coerced to sign off the money he had in the bank, "an out of court confession that he had indeed stolen it from the Greek and he was happy to return it to him if it did not mean jail".
- However that is another story, that I've come to remember. I will thrash it out on another day,God willing. Suffice it to say, Goodman Manyanya Phiri is not the first Phiri to be led about at gunpoint by the Jacob Zuma's of South Africa who are acting like they have simply supplanted the pre-1994 violent settlers with their actions, but BOTH MY MOTHER AND FATHER WERE THREATENED WITH FIREARMS TOO ALMOST FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE LIVES PRE-APARTHEID DEMISE.
- Finally, and when I come to think of it, over and above the the name "Jacob" together with the trigger-happy attitude of Zuma's and his six military policemen sent via Mandela's Cousin Matanzima out to mow down Phiri with a lousy pretext for a lousy Zuma chess move (check the Phiri picture here), there is a lot of other (even facial) similarities between my tormentor Mr Jacob Zuma and that of the gun-toting South African settler of Greek descent, Mr Jim Jacob of 1965! Just goes to show that crime and racism have no skin colour (except a "black" Zuma crime-cum-racism against Phiri is worse when it is not based on suspicions of Phiri stealing even mere firewood from Zuma, but is clearly based on a Zuma protecting Year-2001 prostitution at his government security-services offices, all in service to his Tembu master Nelson Mandela--- rather than the anti-racism and anti-hero-worshiping constitution of the Republic of South Africa!)
BACK TO PRINCESS SIBONGILE NKHOSI - Initially, while growing up on that terrible Greek Mr Jacob's farm in Amsterdam together, I'd never known that Sibongile, some two years my junior, belongs to a generation a higher level than mine i.e. my mother's generation.
- This only dawned on me in my mid-40s where she was insisting I call her "Gogo", the Siswati word for "Grandmother".
- "'Gogo'? For you, Little Girl?" I protested on my return from exile post-1994.
- "Yes, I am indeed your Gogo, You Little Lout; and I'm dead serious about it!" she would respond very solemnly.
- It was only very late in my snail's pace learning of official Siswati language that, indeed, in the Language of the Swazi King that "Gogo" is a word applied for both "Grandmother" as well as anybody else (whether boy or girl) who refers to your grandmother as 'Auntie'".
- In all respects, the Swazi (and most probably the Zulus too, among others) view Auntie's children as "their own children", hence Auntie's grandchildren are also the grandchildren to Auntie's nephews and nieces!
- Even today, it it is for me still confusing; but I'm catching up, having been denied by Apartheid designs the opportunity to learn in any timeous way, my mother tongue and the culture that goes with it!
ANCESTRY - Swazi Princess Sibongile: Swazi Prince Mtutu: Swazi Prince Sigeyeza: Swazi Prince Khenkana: Swazi King Somhlolo.
POSTIVE TRAITS - Swazi Princess Sibongile Nkhosi will never beat about the bush in criticizing you. In fact, until you go into some serious recompense, you will rue for the rest of your life any insult or injustice you did at the expense of the extended family of the princess IF SHE'S GOTTEN TO KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!RESIDENCE
- Having parted ways with the princess, then only about six years old when I must have been eight (1969), I was to meet her again around 1972 when we lived together at Lothair, i.e. at her "Brother-in-law's" (in English, "her Paternal-uncle's by affinity").
- It was a ruggedly demanding farming life that did not take kindly to softies. Both boys and girls our age 8-up, were expected to have the basics of animal husbandry.
- If you knew nothing at that age, at least you were expected to be able to wake up early in the morning and help with the milking of cows; and then, on your own, release them from the cattle-pen to let them out for the day's grazing. Lastly, when the day's done, you should be able on your own, girl or boy, TO FIND THEM ON THE VAST GRAZING PLANE and bring them back home, and enclose them accordingly.
- In that respect, if Sibongile is my grandmother's relative ex-Mtutu, there was another girl who lived with us (Busisiwe), ex-Gasa, a co-brother to my grandmother with Mtutu. And Busisiwe, the very embodiment of feminine hardihood, was a superb cowgirl, if you care to so qualify her as such.
- If Busisiwe was a shining example of a tough cookie on the farm, Sibongile was renowned for feminine fragility to whom farm life was the very Armageddon! Her erstwhile tiny body structure did not help build her reputation as sturdy farming material. Her "Brother-in-law" (my grandfather and grand-master to our farming activities) fumed in vain.
- Grandfather Verimuch Mavimbela, having given up utilizing her for any serious farming chores, took solace from only referring to her as "My Little Rabbit" (kwemgwajane kwami").
- For me, personally, (and one who also hated farming especially when I had to be whipped by the grand old man in order to learn a skill) it was always a source of heartache to see pre-teen Princess Sibongile Nkhosi on a wintry morning shivering with a milk-pail or some other chore she had to perform.
- You guessed right! Indeed, her status as umgwajane, did not totally exonerate her from the activities of our life on farms that were owned either by an Afrikaaner who went by "Mr Kerneels van Rooyen" and another one, a possible "Mr Slabbert" (or some other difficult Afrikaaner name which we simply Africanized by our own "Mr Nyakaza", towards your left some 3 kilometres from Lothair en route to Lake Chrissie a.k.a. Chrissiesmeer (the Afrikaans for the lace and the town).
- I was to leave my grandfather's at the age of 12, and so too, I left all memories of "feeble" Princess Sibongile. People who are feeble and faint physically, I was convinced, were at heart also feeble and very dispensable in the war situation South Africa represented in those days. And that was the main reason why, despite my hatred of my farming life, I stayed a stoic, with my most memorable stunts being the walking in front of feisty oxen pulling a plough while my grandfather behind me would whip them to go faster. And I seem to remember one day falling between the two heavily-breathing beasts, holding on the rein for dear life, while my grandfather, realizing what had happened, was doing everything in his power to stop the possibility of a hoof landing on his prostrate grandson!
- Ten years later, of course, I left for exile only to come back in another 11 years later (1994), totally broken by Mandelasque-Xhosa-tribalists Mandindi, Gcilitshe, Mofokeng and many others, but yes...with my memory totally blanked about Sibongile: until only a few years ago, of course. The Princess was coming back to my life once again in all her regal grandeur, pretty much my knight in a shining armour.... Please read on!
MOST MEMORABLE EVENT/ACCOUNT: - It was during both preparations to my father's funeral some six years ago and during a subsequent gathering we planned some four years ago (to celebrate our royal Nkhosi-Dlamini heritage) that I first saw the mettle of Princess Sibongile).
- She almost single-handedly rallied half the Nkosi-Dlamini clan in Nelspruit and Barberton to prepare for the function that was held at the Phiri homestead in Mayflower..
- The Princess may not be seen anywhere on the function (if you watch the videos), but the strength of her family as well as her personal dedication in all contributions towards any successful cultural function connected with the Phiris is evidenced by the Master of Ceremonies on one of those most recent events at the Phiri Homestead in Mayflower. The MC is nobody else but Sibongile's younger sister, Princess Maria Idah Nkosi.
- To get the gist of my message here, please watch the following two video clips if you can, particularly if you follow the Siswati language! In relation to the video clips and the entire rationale around the function captured therein, I have dealt at some length about it on the post: "The Little I Know About Royal Mysteries"
Sibongile is one of 10 siblings,
Issue of a male sibling
to Blogger's maternal grandmother:
Prince Mtutu Nkhosi and
They were born a total of 10 children:
First-born a solid five boys
and last-born
a solid five girls:
Nora, (Germiston , Gauteng)
Sibongile (Nelsrpruit, Pienaar, Mpum)
Mumcy (Ntlazatje, Mpumalanga
Maria (White River, Mpumalanga)
Frieda (Nelspruit, Lekazi)
Princess Sibongile Nkosi's PRESENTATION?"you may ask.
The answer to this is simple:
At the pace things for Phiri's life are going with Mr Jacob Zuma leaving me no quarter to enjoy my human rights as a full-fledged South African citizen, one day I will end up (if I am lucky) prematurely in a coffin or (in the standard way of the doings of the Zumas in exile), Simply Disappeared Without Trace.
For that matter, one of my relatives featured here, Mrs Thembisile Nyathi, whom I have given the honour of being the first person highlighted here read last week this blog and another and got the shock of her life I was in so much trouble and told me in tears that she does not think I will survive this war. I promised my first cousin Thembisile "It is not a worry for me if I survive or die in this fight, my worry is those who, like Mr Zuma are busy engineering my destruction, should not live to enjoy the fruits of their crime just like those who caused Stanza Bopape to disappear to this day are driving expensive cars around Pretoria smiling "Just how stupid black people are: we murdered them, tortured them, and caused them to disappear without trace yet they never even bothered to try and found out who we were... thank you very much Mr Mandela for forgiveness".
"If I should die." I told Thembisile. "No Human Rights Court out to prosecute a suspected-perpetrator-Zuma for his abuses against me, should struggle as to whom to ask, whom to appeal to, and whom to pillory."
Also it is important for me for the records of my exile-growing children to know not only their relatives (like Thembisile Nyathi) but also the people, like Mr Jacob Zuma who caused via artificial charges and denial of information in respect of my TRC-Truth-and-Reconciliation-Commission-case, caused them (my children and their Tanzanian mother) for 18 solid years now, to remain marooned and effectively banished to the East-African country.
Beside the sweet tears of Cousin Thembisile Nyathi, I was also prompted to identify people around my life after reading today two important messages on this Human Right's Day in South Africa, one Delivered by the office of the State President, while the other, by the office of the Public Protector.
Indeed, even as I am preparing this post template March 21, 2012, there are indications that there are Nguni, particularly "Mandelasque-Xhosa tribal" plans afoot to make sure that, after 60 solid years of an ANC dominated by Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism, the oncoming first non-Nguni President of the ANC i.e. Khalema Motlanthe, will in the future be bracketed by Nguni with both a former President Zuma being Nguni and a future president being Nguni "BECAUSE NON-NGUNI AFRIKAANERS, PEDIS, KHOIS, Non-Nguni COLOUREDS, SOTHOS, TSWANAS, ETHNIC INDIANS, Non-Nguni SANS, VENDAS, SHANGAANS, AND EVEN FELLOW-NGUNIS LIKE SWAZI AND NDEBELES, ARE SUPPOSED TO BE TOO DUMB TO RUN THE ANC ON THEIR OWN WITHOUT THE POLICING PRESENCE OF A ZULU OR A XHOSA-SPEAKER")
I hope the false 2001 charges that two clearly Nguni-tribalized gentlemen Thabo Mbeki and Jacob Zuma meted out against me for blowing the whistle against their fellow-Nguni Ntombizodwa Zini-Bobelo who corrupted a security organization in Year 2000, will be dropped by a sober-minded incumbent to the presidency seeing that those trumped-up charges came three days after my writing a grievance to the presidency over the Mashoala-Ramano cover-up to the Zini-Bobelo-fornication-for-promotion, and a Phiri grievance letter written 6 March 2001 (over the aforementioned, self-corrupted Zini-Bobelo, for which Zuma is prepared to lose his ANC leadership over for ignoring all grievances written him over the corruption by his friend Mandela's self-prossed cousin Zini-Bobelo over the rot in Zuma government offices othewise meant to serve South Africans fairly without any Xhosa tribalism, black racism or Zumaism)
Mr Zuma cannot get any judgment by default to his favour when he himself with one side of the tongue orders his director general to the departmnt concerned to deny Phiri funds to pay lawyers for the 11-year-old case while the other fork of the tongue announces on this Human Rights Day today [South Africans have equality before the law]:
"Let us celebrate the
right to life, equality before the law, human dignity, freedom and security of
the person,"
Does Mr Zuma seriously call it "human dignity" the poverty-stricken conditions that he (through abuse of state power to protect Zini-Bobelo's work-place-prostitution-for promotion), as per the next video shows, he has forced Phiri to live under in Mamelodi, Pretoria, South Africa?
As a victim, I still do not think anybody who helps not himself deserves help. That is why today on this Human Right's day, I've resolved to point out individuals who had a role negative or positive in my 27-year-old struggle (since 1985 in an ANC exile) against Mandelasque Xhosa-tribalism in the otherwise most venerable anti-racism and anti-tribalism African National Congress among whose founders, I am proud to say it till my last breath, were my maternal cousins by affinity, Swazi Queenmother Labotsibeni and Pixley ka Isaka Seme the latter of whom as you might know, via Swazi Princess Lozinja, made Zulu conjugal relationships with the Swazi Royal House from which house maternally descend not only my third maternal cousin Mr Zwangendaba Seme, but, of course, my own mother, Mrs Belinda Thokozile Mavimbela-Phiri too, and her immediate ancestors: mother Princess Mafede Nkosi, grandfather Prince Sigeyeza Nkosi, great-gran Prince Khenkana, to my mother's twice-great gran, [His Majesty Swazi King Sobhuza the First and Maternal Third Great Grandfather to Writer and Blogger Goodman Manyanya Phiri].
Lastly, I need to mention the fact that I am aware of the level of bad feelings, from both friend and foe, this post may generate.
But I am also aware of the inestimable value it will have to those who are research-minded.
From foes: it will solicit rancour because for the first time I am identifying Zuma's 27-year-old and older instruments of his xenophobic oppression on Phiri.
From some friends and relatives: bitterness because in general people dislike their details going on-line (you would swear maybe they once saw a computer mauling and fatally biting a close relative's head!)
The second and perhaps most important reason why some (but not all) relatives and friends may fume at seeing their names on these posts is the fact that people do not want to be associated with a revolutionary like Goodman Manyanya Phiri. (Interestingly, once Revolutinary Phiri becomes President of South Africa Phiri tomorrow, the very same people will be the first to jump (pretty much like self-corrupted Zini-Bobelo is doing about the Old-man Mandela who may not even know the Zini-Bobelo character possibly abusing his in-many-respects-deservedly great name) and say: "Hey, did you know that the President is my cousin?"
To particularly my blood relatives (if it will help where I am sometimes said to be caustic), I have one message to say to your mollification and placation: I DO NOT NEED YOUR PERMISSION TO TELL THE WORLD THAT YOU ARE MY RELATIVE SINCE I AM NOT SUGGESTING HEREBY THAT WE, BY VIRTUE OF BLOOD TIES, "SHARE THE SAME POLITICAL VIEWS". Indeed, Cousin of mine reading this, only an imbecile can jump to conclusions like "If Phiri is the thief, then so too is his first cousin Thembisile or any other cousin".
That part having been put to bed, I do though admit guilt in advance, that, where my friends, relatives and "allies" are concerned, I will also per accident or even design, open up serious family discussions on issues of paternity that others would best confine to the family whisperings. But still, if you or I think X is not Phiri's father (and we've talked about it in the family to the extent that Phiri has publicly changed his surname from "Phiri" to the "Sibeko" who is supposed to be the "real" father i.e. biological father, EXCEPT FOR THE HEAD-MUNCHING MONSTER CALLED A COMPUTER, what is the difference between the on-line public on one hand and on the other hand:the public stretching from Phiri's residential neighbourhood to Home Affairs offices?
Surely I would hate it when I am gone and my currently two-year-old daughter Tamara or Zuma-exiled 18-year-old daughter Thoko goes to visit an aunt who, though per her own professions is not an own sister to my daughter's father WOULD LIKE TO BE WITH MY DAUGHTER WHEN THINGS LOOK BRIGHT FOR THE PHIRIS AND DESERT THE PHIRI FAMILY WHEN DAYS ARE AS DARK AS THEY HAVE BEEN FOR THE PAST 30 YEARS in a xenophobic Apartheid, that was followed by a Mandelasque Xhosa tribalism, which has now apparently spawned a Zumaphoid racist South Africa)
Lastly, I am a strong believer in the notion that your life is not in your hands; rather it is in the hand of your enemy if not that of your God, meaning that your enemy (marked "Foe" in these posts) is probably the most important person in your life. Treat your enemy with dignity and he will treat you with equal dignity; and treat him like an animal and he will do the same to you when the tables are turned as they surely shall be turned one day in favour of your enemy!
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