Izwe Lethu!! Mwafrika Nywebeni, yi-Afrika!!!
Allow me, albeit briefly, to touch upon Mandela’s sell-out programmes- you touched on it too in your recent communication. My brevity is premised on the need for you yourself to find out the way out of our collective intellectual quagmire.
Mandela is not an island; nor is the ANC that promotes him. Even Jacob Zuma, detestable though he is, REMAINS OUR OWN CHILD AND SON. In fact, believe or not: me and you voted, still vote, and will continue to vote for the ANC to stay in power, even though ideologically we may be supporters of the Pan Africanist Congress of Zion/Azania.
In other words, before we criticize others, we must check what we as our individual selves have done to cause others to be “fallible”.
Allow me though to dwell on your apologies to me that that you are an “IQABA”, the Xhosa word for “KAFFIR”.
Indeed, the other name for “IQABA” is “kaffir”. “Kaffir” is considered a swear word in South Africa today, due to political leadership of the likes of ignorant Zuma, Mandela and you name them...!
Yet in fact “Kaffir” is an Arabic word referring to a “farmer”, “earth-lover” “Boer”, “somebody close to his or her land” or even “non-believer”.
In South African history, we learn that the greatest “kaffirs” came from the Zulus, a particular tribe among the Zulus called AmaHlubi (and you will know that some of the AmaHlubi due to the Mfecane subject I will avoid for today, have long Xhosafied, paying homage to Holy Xhosa King Tshawe).
When the Europeans tried to ram down their throats the Trinity of “God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit”, AmaHlubi proudly responded:
“Only three gods!? Well that is nothing compared to our Prophet Bhungane, who descended from heaven in hundreds of gods, hence we are called Bhungane omakhulukhulu! Umkhulu Thixo WabeLunga qha Awunganga-Bhungane!”
For that matter, the first ANC member to open an office in exile, Tanzania's Dar es-Salaam was a a Zulu-Hlubi.
For Mandelasque-Xhosa tribalism to find a rehearsal place for the Nguni tribalism Zuma is pursuing today in South Africa, guys like Oliver Tambo had to destroy that man first!
Unlike uneducated Jacob Zuma, Mthimkhulu ("The Great Medicineman") simply refused to accept that “Mandela’s Xhosas are the founders of the ANC.” (They R/Hadebes got the name "Mthimkhulu" from Shaka Zulu who believed it was their prayers that raised him from a mere son of former refugees from Egypt/Kameta to a ruler of South Africa's largest ethnic group and founder).
A close friend of Julius Nyerere, the first head of state in a liberated Tanzania, the man is is the reason why Tanzania and South Africa sing the same national anthem today.
He went on to translate into the Kiswahili the lyrics of “Nkosi Sikel’ iAfrika”, and successfully sold this to Nyerere as a national anthem for a free Tanzania, cementing the historical fact that Azania/Zion, stretched from Cape Town to a Tanzanian Dar es-Salaam whose environs, along the Ruvuma River, have been discovered scientifically to have been Rhapta, a former Capital of ancient Azania/Zion.
So, Mr Nywebeni, if you you one day become lucky become lucky enough to meet children of Comrade Hadebe in Pretoria (I am acquainted to at least three of them), you may see pictures of Nyerere standing side-by-side with Hadebe, a unification of Africans that the Mandelasque Xhosa tribalists hated and went ahead to destroy with a passion, hence we have xenophobia in Zuma's South Africa where Tanzanians, Ghanaians, Zimbabwean etc are frequently attacked with Zuma's watch turning an effective blind eye!
So, I am saying to you, Mr Nywebeni, my comrade and brother, THERE IS NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR IQABA/KAFFIR IDENTITY!!! And if you think “kaffir” and “IQABA” are bad words, just listen to tsotsis in bonhomie mood talking among themselves and calling each other “kaffir” and you will understand us self-appointed “educated people” are less educated than those who never set foot in a school room of the Republic of South Africa under Apartheid.
When the Arabs tried to force their religion onto Africans together with their colonization that took from us the Great Kameta/Egypt, and even the Arabian Peninsula that in ancient times was populated by “black people”, they found us rich in our own monotheist religions and centres of knowledge and scholarliness exemplified by huge libraries which were naturally destroyed and burned down by Arabic invaders.
The colonizing Arab found out that, despite our worship to God, we still put the land first Thus they coined for us the names “Kaffir” (“IQABA” in your Xhosa language)
“IQABA”, a word that, I am sure, you will realize as a native Nguni speaker like me Mr Nywebeni, gives you the connotation and onomatopoeia of “somebody falling very hard, flatly, and quite soundly on the ground of Mother Earth for the purpose of embracing the earth, rather than the empty religious stories of foreigners and invaders”.
That, then, became the bane of the African while the Arab was conducting colonization and ethnic cleansing of North Africa. Your will have read my previous post to you by now, in relation to the resultant exodus which brought us (in South Africa), surnames like Tshawe, Zulu, Khumalo etc.
Yes, the new-comers who came almost at the same time as Jan Van Riebeeck’s 1652 may be Bantu like us Tongas/Baroka/Zn/Azanians/, but the aforesaid ex-Egyptian settlers are all Ntungwa by ethnology. Nor did they come to these shores to colonize the Baroka/Amathonga, like 18th Century British settlers did. Rather, the Ntungwa “blacks” were mere refugees from a disposed Egypt/Kameta seeking from us succour and we welcomed them! It is from their tribe, though (with a Moroka/Tonga mother called Nandi), that one of the greatest men ever to walk Planet Earth was born: Holy Zulu King and National Founder, [His Majesty Zulu King and National Founder Shaka ka Senzangakona] was born.
Incidentally, I should be knowing about this history because when the Ntungwa came from Egypt as refugees, my ancestors, the Phiris, were ruling the entire subcontinent of Africa.
We ruled from the Congo to the Cape where stupid Mulder thinks Phiri was not there and is therefore "a place for whites only"!
Excavations done in Swaziland, and South Africa’s Kruger National Park, for example, show big-bodied persons like you, Mr Nywebeni, have not only been
living in these shores for at least 10 000 years ago, but they thrived in international trade by ships...clearly the first human beings to make ships...hence the Zulu language for “ship” (umkumbi) is not borrowed from any European language.
living in these shores for at least 10 000 years ago, but they thrived in international trade by ships...clearly the first human beings to make ships...hence the Zulu language for “ship” (umkumbi) is not borrowed from any European language.
The word "umkumbi" is as native as the fact that the world’s first civilization was built by southern-Africans while Europeans still lived in caves. (No European scholar disputes that, yet South African "blacks" who think South African 1994 liberation was "anti-white", lead this ignorance about the human history that binds Europe and Africa, Africa and Asia; and Africa with the rest of the world without regard to skin colour!
That said, it however does not make Africans "better humans than Europeans". Remember we are all of us human beings, and competition is one of the defining characters of being human, or it should be!
Allow me, though, to go back to word definitions and the subject of ex-Egyptian/Kameta refugees while Matanje Phiri (my direct ancestor) was ruling the state of Azania/Zion/South Africa (as other Phiris were ruling going further north with the subcontinent).
“Amantungwa” means “cannibals”. Us original children of Zion/Azania gave the “Amantungwa” name to the FAMILIES of Zulu and Xhosa who came to join us here, all because at desperate times during their exodus with Arab enslavers hot on their heels, they would resort to eating their own dead in order to survive.
This is all part and parcel of the history in struggle of the “Black Man and Woman”, the original humanity of Africa and for the whole wide world!
Yes, indeed, in the last few thousand years we have been subjected to at least two waves of colonization, enslavement, brutalization and you-name-it, something for which I think both Arabs and Europeans owe us Africans a reparation fee (rather than any haughty attitude which you still too frequently find among individuals of these two "races").
Yes, indeed, in the last few thousand years we have been subjected to at least two waves of colonization, enslavement, brutalization and you-name-it, something for which I think both Arabs and Europeans owe us Africans a reparation fee (rather than any haughty attitude which you still too frequently find among individuals of these two "races").
But that is a post for another day.
For now, suffice it to say that if anybody calls you a “kaffir” they are actually giving you credit for “someone close to his or her piece of land”.
Personally, I welcome anybody who calls Manyanya Phiri a “Kaffir”. I think I am a real kaffir.
To elucidate and expatiate, I have an Afrikaner elderly friend of mine (80 years old) who lives in Makwassie, North-West Province of South Africa near a town called Wolmaranstad. I know practically all his three children and his son is a successful multi-millon-rand-worth of a farmer who treats all his “black” workers on the farm like human beings, rather than second-class citizens like too many farmers are know to do despite South Africa’s national liberation in 1994.
Now, the erudite elderly Afrikaaner farmer of German stock will every so often sit around a fire-place to discuss current South African politics. And we seem to see eye to eye! Yet, there is a problem!
He doesn’t know that I consider it a compliment to be called “a kaffir”. So, every time I am out from the discussion maybe through the call of nature, he will turn to his child and whisper:
“My kind! Oulike Kaffertjie, daardie Manyanya Phiri!” (“My Child, I am still to see a young kaffir half as clued as Manyanya Phiri”)
The child, in sheer shock of political correctness, will come and tell me what the father said about me in private Boer conversation. But if you ask me, IT IS ALL NOTHING!
“Kaffir” is just a word in some languages. Words never walk alone without connotation, context and body language. So to try and ban a word in a society, and you will end up in the very nadir of societal stupidity, which is where we are with Jacob Zuma in 2012, from which place the great African National Congress of Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme [by affinity Second Maternal Cousin Removed to Blogger and Writer Goodman Manyanya Phiri] must redeem us NOW OR NEVER!
Still, what does me proud though is the fact that, in my kaffirdom, I have for more than a hundred years already, drawn in a lot of Afrikaners/Boers (like my friend from the North-West Province). Them Afrikaners too, culturally, have been kaffirized, if ever there was a “kaffir” on earth.
Boers eat the food I eat, i.e. “kaffirfood” which is the very maize porridge that America genetically exported to us Africans to eat when them Americans seem to be using it mainly for cow-feed.
Boers, to borrow from IsiXhosa Language, have “QABAFIED”, growing extremely fond of the land under their feet, just like we native kaffirs resisted dispossession when both the Arab Colonizor and European one at different times, started to steal our land (hence the current squabble between land-hungry Julius Malema and land-obsessed Boer Derek Hannekom, the Zuma’s henchman).
Like the “Kaffirs”, Boers ensure their women cover their heads and not move around town bare-headed like madwomen. Even Boer males, when they can help it, will not walk around without a hat. The covering of the head (except on special occasions) is kaffir culture because the head is everything and whomever you expose your head to, you ipso facto declare them “my object of true love”, hence in East-African culture, when your baby greets you, you expose your head to it to touch and say: “Shikamoo Baba!” or “Shikamoo, Mama!”
Boers, like the adult male “kaffirs” (who are sexually aroused by the lower, rather than breasts and other biological appurtances of the the upper torso) ensure that their women wear dress well below the knee (save for special occasions like rites, dancing, swimming etc).
Like a culturally-Swazi Phiri in relation to a culturally-Xhosa Nywebeni, Boers (and I don’t think if you have noticed this), will not talk ill of fellow-Africans unless of course when really provoked by some individual or two from the said ethnic grouping. And when all your fellow-Xhosas, -Swazis, -Zulus etc. have abandoned you... guess who is going to come to your rescue...?
That is why when you study South Africa’s wars of resistance against European colonizers, you see the Boer moving from the 17th century to the 19th century, taking a stance transition FROM A COLONIZER TO A RESISTOR ALONGSIDE THE NATIVE AFRICAN. What the Boer was doing here and has done, was to embrace Africa Earth and its kaffirdom... OBO BUBUQABA NGESIXHOSA!
There are many recorded instances where heroic Xhosa resistors against British colonialism received assistance from the Boers.
For that matter, I am sure even Sotho, Zulu or Swazi history will on closer scrutiny show this camaraderie between “black” and “Boer”.
For you, Comrade, Nywebeni, please read the struggles for supremacy by [His Royal Highness Regent Prince Ndlambe, Warrior-Xhosa-King-Rharhabe-Son-And-Uncle-to-Ngqika] when he was challenged by his 18-year-old nephew, [His Majesty King Ngqika, Legendary-Warrior-Xhosa-King-Rharhabe-Grandson: Precocious-Strategy-And-Tactics-Genius-Who-In-His-Teens-Militarily-Conquered-Altogether-European-Settlers-Fellow-Rharhabe-Rivals-And-Gcalekas-All-Put-Together].
It is there, indeed, that you will see what I meant, and while Ndlambe was one of the most hated Xhosa leaders where the British colonizer was concerned, the Boers seem to have found him well-beholden in the closing stages of the 18th Century.
In the same vein, the Boers also fought their own war (of course with native African assistance) against the British. You can write encyclopaedias about the effects of the Anglo-Boer War (inclusive of Mr Jacob Zuma’s RDP houses), still felt today in 2012!
Suffice it to say that this is the history that sends me die moer in (Afrikaans for “apoplectic”) when political imbeciles lump all “white” people together as if they have the same mother and same father. And even if all “whites” were own siblings, Biological science teaches us that all siblings are not alike!
We fought and achieved national liberation in 1994. It was not a fight for the promotion of “black” skin colour (we are in any case not black, rather we are brown). And if there are some “white” nationalities of South Africa still out to oppress the native here, IDENTIFY THOSE CULPRITS BY THEIR NATIONALITY, but don’t go around lumping together every blue-eyed, pale-faced person together. Because if you do that, you are the worst racist Mother Earth has ever produced, to the extent that you broadly discriminate even against your own children!
I am sure you know that if you marry a “white” woman to have babies (or marry a white husband if you are a “black” native female South African), the babies to come out here are correctly referred to as “black”, in the English language, “correctly” so because SCIENTIFICALLY, THE “BLACK” GENE IS DOMINANT WHILE THE “WHITE” GENE IS RECESSIVE.
This is so because the first human beings, from what we glean in science, were swarthy. And indications are that the last human beings to populate this planet, will stay BROWN!
So, welcome to Qabaland/Kaffirland, Comrade Nywebeni! And I think the day has now arrived in South Africa where I, as the original kaffir, stand together with the former Dutch and German Africans commonly known as Afrikaners/ Boers that we work together to build this land. We are all of us besotted with our land. We are all of us brown and pale kaffirs!
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I fail to understand lessons taught to Africans. The indigent indigenous Africans are locked behind bars worse when petty crimes such as stealing food for feeding the un-people (unemployed, un-housed, uneducated, unhealthy etc).The ANC government cannot afford to provide work to all. “Crime does not pay” Forgive me for being “IQABA” the illiterate, the Whiteman’s Bantu Education made me so. Todayimbecility overwhelms me but I am proud of God’s truth. Crime pays whites—they robbed our land and the ANC government protects them. Under the Bill of rights, the ANC made provision for the property rights protection. Those who robbed the land and benefitted from such crime are protected as they are now the rightful land owners. Africans must buy back their stolen land, the Mandelas compromised our freedom. Group areas act was designed for whites to gain African land by force. To claim back our land we must also produce a proof that we were here or there before land claim can be settled. In Vrygrond, Muizenberg my grandparents were forced out, and I don’t have the Whiteman’s paper to submit proof.
To the well educated Africans who administer the law today, here in SA, why crime paid the white thief and disadvantage the robbed African? Why the Bill of right protects the white thief who still today push African around in his own land? Can there be justice when there is no land—through my stupidity I thought land is the basis of freedom, justice and equality. Where are we going to exercise our independence when we have no land? How do we institute justice when we have no land? Are you proud to be administers of law where the land is still in the hands of white robbers? Is there no remorse in you for the disadvantaged African? Can the ANC really solve the land in their dual state of protecting the whites and try to make us wait in vain? Willing seller willing buyer is impracticable. People of African descent, let us not forget, tomorrow Azania will be free
I fail to understand lessons taught to Africans. The indigent indigenous Africans are locked behind bars worse when petty crimes such as stealing food for feeding the un-people (unemployed, un-housed, uneducated, unhealthy etc).The ANC government cannot afford to provide work to all. “Crime does not pay” Forgive me for being “IQABA” the illiterate, the Whiteman’s Bantu Education made me so. Todayimbecility overwhelms me but I am proud of God’s truth. Crime pays whites—they robbed our land and the ANC government protects them. Under the Bill of rights, the ANC made provision for the property rights protection. Those who robbed the land and benefitted from such crime are protected as they are now the rightful land owners. Africans must buy back their stolen land, the Mandelas compromised our freedom. Group areas act was designed for whites to gain African land by force. To claim back our land we must also produce a proof that we were here or there before land claim can be settled. In Vrygrond, Muizenberg my grandparents were forced out, and I don’t have the Whiteman’s paper to submit proof.
To the well educated Africans who administer the law today, here in SA, why crime paid the white thief and disadvantage the robbed African? Why the Bill of right protects the white thief who still today push African around in his own land? Can there be justice when there is no land—through my stupidity I thought land is the basis of freedom, justice and equality. Where are we going to exercise our independence when we have no land? How do we institute justice when we have no land? Are you proud to be administers of law where the land is still in the hands of white robbers? Is there no remorse in you for the disadvantaged African? Can the ANC really solve the land in their dual state of protecting the whites and try to make us wait in vain? Willing seller willing buyer is impracticable. People of African descent, let us not forget, tomorrow Azania will be free
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